In the article “Is the Effect of Physical Activity on Quality of Life in Older Adults Mediated by Social Support?” [Gerontology. 2019;65(4):375–382.] by Niedermeier et al., the author Viviane Dremetsikas was inadvertently omitted from the original publication.

The correct author list is:

Martin Niedermeiera, Viviane Dremetsikasc, Simone Herzoga, Prisca Kopp-Wilflingb, Martin Burtschera, Martin Koppa

aDepartment of Sport Science, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria; bClinical Health Psychology Unit, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Medical University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria; cDepartment of Psychology, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria

Viviane Dremetsikas and Martin Niedermeier contributed equally.

The correct Author Contributions statement is:

V.D., P.K., and M.K. contributed to the study design. V.D. collected the data. V.D. and M.N. performed the data analysis. All of the authors interpreted the data. V.D., M.N., and S.H. drafted this paper. M.N., P.K., M.B., and M.K. revised this paper. All of the authors provided final approval of the version of this paper for publication.

The original article has been updated to reflect this.