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Keywords: Gastroschisis
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Journal Articles
Fetal Therapy (1987) 2 (3): 144–147.
Published Online: 26 November 2009
...Howard Grundy; Robert L. Anderson; Roy A. Filly; Peter Callen; James D. Goldberg; Nathan Slotnick; Mitchell S. Golbus Ten fetuses with gastroschisis on whom a prenatal sonographic diagnosis and evaluation were available and who delivered at the University of California, San Francisco, were...
Journal Articles
Fetal Therapy (1987) 2 (4): 216–221.
Published Online: 26 November 2009
..., the options of elective termination or minimal intervention can be offered. Our ability to predict the extent of bowel damage in gastroschisis based on the ultrasound findings enables us to offer early delivery to those fetuses who are at high risk. The data are not clear at the present time whether cesarian...
Journal Articles
Fetal Therapy (1988) 3 (1-2): 67–83.
Published Online: 26 November 2009
...K.C. Pringle Gastroschisis and omphalocele (exomphalos) are embryologically distinct, and for this reason each has its own distinct constellation of associated anomalies. The perinatal management of both gastroschisis and omphalocele addresses the controversy as to the best mode of delivery...
Journal Articles
Fetal Therapy (1986) 1 (2-3): 104.
Published Online: 20 November 2009
...F.A. Catizone The antenatal diagnosis of omphalocele and gastroschisis is briefly reviewed, together with the major differences between the two lesions. The frequency of associated anomalies in cases of omphalocele is stressed. The controversy regarding the mode and timing of delivery is outlined...
Journal Articles
Fetal Therapy (1986) 1 (2-3): 105–107.
Published Online: 20 November 2009
...A. Cacciari The advantages accruing from the prenatal diagnosis of gastroschisis and omphalocele are outlined. The surgical management of each defect is discussed, including details of the various surgical options available at the time of the repair. Seventy-five cases with abdominal wall defects...