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Keywords: Teilhardina
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Journal Articles
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Folia Primatol (1976) 25 (1): 62–72.
Published Online: 10 September 2008
...Thomas M. Bown Teilhardina is a fifth primate found in Early Tertiary rocks of both Europe and North America. Both T. belgica and the new North American species are anaptomorphines; however, neither species is ideally suited for the ancestry of the New World Omomyidae . Pelycodus and the Adapidae...
Journal Articles
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Further Areas
Folia Primatol (1977) 28 (2): 144–153.
Published Online: 10 September 2008
...Philip D. Gingerich Statistical analysis of dental variation in specimens currently placed in Teilhardina belgica from the Belgian locality of Dormaal suggests that these specimens probably represent no more than a single biological species. Within this species sample, most specimens have...