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Folia Primatol (1997) 68 (1): 50–56.
Published Online: 16 September 2008
... Pan paniscus Hominoidea Phylogeny Parsimony Pseudoeta-globin gene Morphology Total evidence Introduction The phylogeny of hominoids has been the subject of numerous and often contra­ dictory conclusions [1, 2], These controversies commonly involve conflict between data sets combined...
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Folia Primatol (1992) 58 (4): 197–203.
Published Online: 12 September 2008
... or of their effectiveness, quality or safety. The publisher and the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Phylogeny Functional anatomy Madagascar Babakotia radofilai...
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Folia Primatol (1991) 57 (3): 132–146.
Published Online: 12 September 2008
.... The relative monomorphism of most prosimians may be related to allometric constraints and, especially in the Lemuriformes, to selective forces affecting male and female behavioral strategies. Sexual dimorphism Prosimians Body weight Evolution Phylogeny Lemurs Lorises Tarsiers Folia Primatol...
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Folia Primatol (1993) 60 (1-2): 106–117.
Published Online: 12 September 2008
...) Rhinopithecus, with respect to craniofacial features, is a special case among Asian colobines. It combines a high degree of evolutionary specialization with retention of some primitive features thought to have been present in the ancestral Asian colobine. Colobinae Cranial morphology Evolution Phylogeny...
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Folia Primatol (1993) 60 (1-2): 36–55.
Published Online: 12 September 2008
..., and (6) the precise affinities and taxonomic status of the fossil species R. tingianus Matthew and Granger, 1923, are unclear because the type specimen is a subadult. Douc langurs Snub-nosed langurs Pygathrix Rhinopithecus Presbytiscus Colobinae Cercopithecoidea Phylogeny Taxonomy Folia...
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Folia Primatol (1993) 60 (1-2): 7–17.
Published Online: 12 September 2008
... responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Macaca Macaques Mitochondrial DNA Genetic polymorphism Restriction endonuclease analysis Phylogeny Folia Prim atol 1993;60:7-17 Zhang Ya...
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Folia Primatol (1991) 57 (4): 181–190.
Published Online: 12 September 2008
... state that is intermediate between the derived (short) lateral vein of the African apes and the primitive long lateral vein of other non-human primates and mammals. Reviewed Articles Folia Primatol 1991;57:181-190 © 1991 S. Kargcr AG, Basel 0015-5713/91 /0574-0181 $2.75/0 Character Phylogeny...
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Folia Primatol (1991) 57 (4): 221–231.
Published Online: 12 September 2008
...(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Metachromism Phylogeny Eulemur Melanin Pelage coloration Evolution Folia Primatol 1991;57:221-231 © 1991 S...
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Folia Primatol (1985) 44 (2): 96–101.
Published Online: 11 September 2008
..., providing the first fossil evidence of their phylogeny. It also implies a nearly three-fold discrepancy between the molecular and paleontological estimates of the age of the Ateles lineage. 11 9 2008 Folia primatol. 44: 96-101 (1985) © 1985 S. KargcrAG, Basel 0015-5713/85/0442-0096S2.75/0 Kondous...
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Folia Primatol (1985) 45 (3-4): 179–194.
Published Online: 11 September 2008
..., instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Tarsiers Fossils Necrolemurs Omomyidae Skulls Systematics Adaptation Phylogeny Folia primatol. 45: 179-194 (1985) In Favor of the Necrolemur-Tarsier Hypothesis Alfred L. Rosenberger Department of Anthropology, University...
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Folia Primatol (1984) 42 (3-4): 149–179.
Published Online: 11 September 2008
..., instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Leontopithecus Lion tamarins Marmosets Craniodental variability Taxonomy Phylogeny Biogeography Platyrrhini Folia primatol. 42: 149-179 (1984) Morphology, Taxonomic Status and Affinities of the Lion Tamarins...
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Folia Primatol (1987) 48 (1-2): 56–64.
Published Online: 11 September 2008
...: 81-91 (1975). Groves, P.C.: Systematics and phylogeny of gibbons; in Rumbaugh, Gibbon and siamang, vol 2, pp. 289 (Karger, Basel 1972). Haimoff, E.H.; Chivers, D.J.; Gittins, S.P.; Whitten, T.: A phylogeny of gibbons (Hylobates spp.) based on morphological and behavioral characters. Folia primatol...
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Folia Primatol (1986) 47 (4): 189–203.
Published Online: 11 September 2008
... Primates Phylogeny Motor system Folia primatol. 47: 189-203 (1986) 0015- 5©71139/8866/S0.4K7a4r-g0e1r A89GS,2B.7a5s/e0l A Volumetric Comparison of the Vestibular Nuclei in Primates Shozo Matano Department of Biological Anthropology, Faculty of Human Sciences, Osaka University, Japan Key Words...
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Folia Primatol (1982) 39 (3-4): 213–237.
Published Online: 11 September 2008
...Elliott H. Haimoff; David J. Chivers; Paul Gittins; Tony Whitten A new estimate of the phylogenetic relationships among the nine gibbon taxa is presented, based on a compatibility analysis of 55 morphological and behavioural characters. The phylogeny presented here differs somewhat from those...
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Folia Primatol (1983) 41 (1-2): 137–146.
Published Online: 11 September 2008
... to in the content or advertisements. Chromosome banding Primates Macaca Cercocebus Phylogeny Folia primatol. 41: 137-146 (1983) The Banded Karyotypes of Macacafuscata Compared with Cercocebus aterrimus R. Stanyona, G. Arditob, L. Lamberti'0, P. Bigattib aInstitute of Anthropology, Florence...
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Folia Primatol (1984) 43 (2-3): 157–180.
Published Online: 11 September 2008
...(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Phylogeny Neoteny Cranial base Hominoid Folia primatol. 43: 157-180 (1984) © 1984 S. Karger AG, Basel 0015-5713/84...
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Folia Primatol (1988) 51 (4): 220–226.
Published Online: 11 September 2008
...(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Cercopithecus Phylogeny Serum proteins Molecular genetics Isozymes Guenons Electrophoresis Folia Primatol 1988;51...
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Folia Primatol (1989) 53 (1-4): 190–202.
Published Online: 11 September 2008
.... Described here is the computer program MacClade, designed for interactive analysis of character evolution and phylogeny. For a given tree and a matrix of character data, MacClade displays its reconstruction of character evolution by shading the branches of the tree to indicate ancestral states. Trees can...
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Folia Primatol (1989) 53 (1-4): 221–234.
Published Online: 11 September 2008
.... Phylogeny Evolutionary trees Tree estimation Cladistics Convergence Folia Primatol 1989;53:221-234 © 1989 S. Karger AG. Base! 0015-5713/89/0534-0221 $2.75/0 Quantitative Aspects of the Estimation of Evolutionary Trees Adrian Friday University Museum of Zoology. Cambridge, UK Key Words. Phylogeny...