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Journal Articles
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Folia Primatol (2020) 91 (2): 122–148.
Published Online: 18 September 2019
... (2019). In the early Miocene (18–20 million years ago, Ma), fossil apes were pronograde arboreal slow climbers, associated mainly with forest environments and deciduous woodland and with some indications of terrestrial behaviour, particularly the larger species. Their hands had long and opposable thumbs...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
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Folia Primatol (1985) 44 (2): 96–101.
Published Online: 11 September 2008
...Takeshi Setoguchi A new genus and species of fossil primate, Kondous laventicus , part of the Miocene La Venta primate fauna of Colombia, South America, is described here for the first time. Screening at a new quarry within the Monkey Unit of the Honda Formation, the Kyoto Site, has revealed dental...
Journal Articles
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Folia Primatol (1987) 48 (1-2): 65–77.
Published Online: 11 September 2008
...John G. Fleagle; Dennis W. Powers; Glenn C. Conroy; John Paul Watters New platyrrhine fossils have been recovered from early Miocene deposits near the Pinturas River in Santa Cruz Province, Argentina. Soriacebus ameghinorum is a saki-sized monkey with a deep V-shaped mandible, large procumbent...
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Folia Primatol (1986) 47 (2-3): 97–118.
Published Online: 11 September 2008
...Christopher Beard; Mark F. Teaford; Alan Walker The anatomy of the wrist of two species of the early Miocene hominoid Proconsul is described based on new material collected on Rusinga Island, Kenya. These fossils generally confirm previous findings that the wrist of Proconsul is monkey-like in much...
Journal Articles
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Folia Primatol (2007) 78 (5-6): 344–364.
Published Online: 07 September 2007
.... However, although they became more abundant and speciated extensively in the very late Miocene, Pliocene and Pleistocene, many of the major events in cercopithecoid evolution occurred before the onset of the late Miocene long cooling period. In the Plio-Pleistocene, regional environmental change...
Journal Articles
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Folia Primatol (2005) 76 (3): 146–150.
Published Online: 03 May 2005
... variation of S. ameghinorum or a new species of Soriacebus, its morphology appears to be less derived than that of the type mandible, and it is, therefore, of systematic significance. Miocene Argentina Patagonia Platyrrhini Soriacebus ameghinorum Systematics Phylogeny Pitheciini Original...