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Keywords: Estrous cycle
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Folia Primatol (1986) 46 (3): 142–148.
Published Online: 11 September 2008
... Patricia C. Wright, Lisa M. Toyama, Elwyn L. Simons Duke University Primate Center, Durham, N.C., USA Key Words. Tarsius bancanus Bornean tarsier Estrous cycle Sexual behavior Copulation Courtship Reproduction Abstract. The reproductive behavior of 6 paired, captive Bornean tarsiers was studied...
Journal Articles
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Folia Primatol (1982) 39 (1-2): 49–62.
Published Online: 11 September 2008
...Renate Foerg The reproductive behavior of 20 captive Cheirogaleus medius was studied over two breeding seasons in 1980 and 1981. Seasonality, estrous cycle, sexual behavior, sexual maturity, and postpartum estrus are described. Reproduction of the different species of the family Cheirogaleidae...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
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Folia Primatol (1982) 38 (1-2): 108–121.
Published Online: 11 September 2008
... or of their effectiveness, quality or safety. The publisher and the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Varecia variegata Testicle size Estrous cycle Sexual maturity...
Journal Articles
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Folia Primatol (1977) 28 (4): 241–250.
Published Online: 10 September 2008
...K.J. Boskoff Results of breeding of ruffed lemurs ( Lemur variegatus ) at the Duke Primate Facility provide information concerning estrous cycle, sexual behavior, age of first conception, gestation period, parturition, litter size. L. variegatus differs from other Lemur species in these respects...