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Folia Primatologica 2019, Vol. 90, No. 5
Title Page / Table of Contents
Subject Area:
Further Areas
Folia Primatol (2019) 90 (5): 269–272.
Nocturnal Primate Communication: Ecology, Evolution and Conservation
Subject Area:
Further Areas
Folia Primatol (2019) 90 (5): 273–278.
Original Research Article
Species Boundaries within Morphologically Cryptic Galagos: Evidence from Acoustic and Genetic Data
Subject Area:
Further Areas
Folia Primatol (2019) 90 (5): 279–299.
Low Geographic and Subspecific Variation in the Loud Call of the Widespread and Phenotypically Cryptic Northern Lesser Galago (Galago senegalensis) Suggests Taxonomic Uniformity
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Magdalena S. Svensson; Thomas M. Butynski; Yvonne A. de Jong; Simon K. Bearder; Irena Schneiderová; Vincent Nijman
Folia Primatol (2019) 90 (5): 300–318.
Vocal Repertoire and Intraspecific Variation within Two Loud Calls of the Small-Eared Greater Galago (Otolemur garnettii) in Tanzania and Kenya
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Caroline M. Bettridge; Simon P. Kenworthy; Thomas M. Butynski; Yvonne A. de Jong; Selvino R. de Kort
Folia Primatol (2019) 90 (5): 319–335.
Sahamalaza Sportive Lemur, Lepilemur sahamalaza, Vocal Communication: Call Use, Context and Gradation
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Folia Primatol (2019) 90 (5): 336–360.
Spacing and Mate Attraction: Sex-Specific Function of Advertisement Calls in the Northern Giant Mouse Lemur (Mirza zaza)
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Folia Primatol (2019) 90 (5): 361–378.
Echolocation in a Nocturnal Primate?
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Folia Primatol (2019) 90 (5): 379–391.
The Use of Ultrasonic Communication to Maintain Social Cohesion in the Javan Slow Loris (Nycticebus javanicus)
Subject Area:
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Folia Primatol (2019) 90 (5): 392–403.
Cryptic Communication in a Montane Nocturnal Haplorhine, Tarsius pumilus
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Folia Primatol (2019) 90 (5): 404–421.
P-Mail: The Information Highway of Nocturnal, but Not Diurnal or Cathemeral, Strepsirrhines
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Folia Primatol (2019) 90 (5): 422–438.
Author Index/Subject Index
Author / Subject Index Vol. 90, No. 5, 2019
Subject Area:
Further Areas
Folia Primatol (2019) 90 (5): 439.