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Keywords: Spontaneous speech
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Journal Articles
Folia Phoniatr Logop (2011) 64 (1): 5–11.
Published Online: 23 June 2011
...-speaking preterm children with low birth weight [extremely-low-birth-weight (ELBW) children: n = 8; very-low-birth-weight (VLBW) children: n = 10] at 2 years of corrected age and to compare their language results with full-term controls (n = 18), using spontaneous speech samples. Methods: The children were...
Journal Articles
Folia Phoniatr Logop (2010) 62 (6): 297–302.
Published Online: 28 June 2010
..., and cognitive demands of communication. Reading and spontaneous speech are two speaking tasks that vary in these demands and are commonly used to evaluate speech performance for research and clinical applications. The purpose of this study is to examine differences between reading and spontaneous speech...