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Keywords: Clear speech
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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Folia Phoniatr Logop (2017) 68 (4): 159–166.
Published Online: 25 January 2017
...Alison Behrman; Ali Akhund Objective: This study investigated the effects of clear speech and loud voice on the use of vocal fry in women. Methods: Twenty healthy-voiced young women who used a moderate amount of vocal fry when reading aloud in conversational-style speech (defined as a minimum...
Journal Articles
Folia Phoniatr Logop (2014) 65 (4): 214–220.
Published Online: 05 February 2014
... as relationships among measures were examined. Results: Average and maximum F2 slope metrics were strongly correlated, but only average F2 slope consistently differed among groups and conditions, with shallower slopes for the PD group and steeper slopes for Clear speech versus Habitual and Loud. Clear and Loud...
Journal Articles
Folia Phoniatr Logop (2014) 65 (3): 148–153.
Published Online: 30 November 2013
...Jennifer Lam; Kris Tjaden Objective: The acoustic basis of intelligibility associated with varied clear speech instructions was studied. Meth ods: Twelve healthy speakers read 18 sentences in ‘habitual', ‘clear', ‘hearing impaired' and ‘overenunciate' conditions. The latter 3 conditions...