Objectives: The Developmental Profile of Social Communication (DPSC) is based on the communication and language development in children with social communication difficulties. DPSC facilitates understanding of the challenges these children face in social interaction, communication, and linguistic development. It utilizes clinician and parent responses to build the developmental profiles of individuals. The profile allows clinicians to determine the therapeutic goals for improved cooperation and communication in various contexts. In addition, it provides insight into the parents’ perspective. The aim of this study is to present the preliminary results of the DPSC in typically developing Greek children. Methods: The DPSC, a 112-item questionnaire, was administered to 357 parents of typically developing children aged 2–7.5 years using a 3-scale rating of answers. It was applied electronically via Google forms, and parents were able to ask for clarification on questions. All answers were categorized and then analyzed under independent variables. Results: Descriptive and hypothesis testing were used to summarize participant characteristics and performance. Findings suggest that children >7.5 years tended to develop most of the rated skills of DPSC adequately. Conclusions: It was determined that the DPSC questionnaire is an easily administered tool that enables the evaluation of the social communication abilities of children of different ages.