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Keywords: Hemodynamics
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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Fetal Diagn Ther (2005) 20 (2): 86–90.
Published Online: 11 February 2005
...Toshihiko Iura; Satoru Makinoda; Satoko Fujita; Satsuki Matsuzawa; Tomoo Waseda; Keiji Ohshima; Hideki Tomizawa Objective: From analysis of fetal renal artery hemodynamics, we attempted to reveal renal glomerular and tubular function in normal fetuses during pregnancy. Design: The study included 36...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Fetal Diagn Ther (2003) 18 (3): 148–153.
Published Online: 02 May 2003
...T. Iura; S. Makinoda; S. Miyazaki; S. Fujita; H. Inoue; N. Hirosaki; N. Imafuku Objective: Hemodynamic analysis of the fetal renal artery elucidated the function of the renal glomerulus and renal tubule in normal growth fetus and was weighed against fetal renal disease. Design: The subjects were...