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Journal Name Change
Vol. 1-4 (1986-1989) were published under the journal's former title Fetal Therapy.
Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 2024, Vol. 51, No. 6
Prenatal Diagnosis
Fetal Strain and Strain Rate Measured with Speckle Tracking Echocardiography in Maternal Diabetes: Systematic Review
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Chantelle de Vet; Hossy Zamani; Daisy van der Woude; Sally-Ann Clur; Guid Oei; Judith van Laar; Noortje van Oostrum
Fetal Diagn Ther (2024) 51 (6): 525–538.
Predictive Value of the sFlt-1/PlGF Ratio and Interleukin-6 for the Presence of Placental Lesions in Spontaneous Preterm Labor with Intact Membranes with Delivery within 7 Days
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Marian Kacerovsky; Helena Hornychova; Magdalena Holeckova; Ladislava Pavlikova; Jitka Rezabkova Chloubova; Bo Jacobsson; Ivana Musilova
Fetal Diagn Ther (2024) 51 (6): 539–549.
Pregnancy in Times of War: What Are the Fallouts? A Review
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Fetal Diagn Ther (2024) 51 (6): 559–570.
Unisex and Sex-Specific Prescriptive Fetal Growth Charts for Improved Detection of Small-for-Gestational-Age Babies in a Low-Risk Population: A post hoc Analysis of a Cluster-Randomized Study
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Mariëlle van Roekel; Corine J. Verhoeven; Hester D. Kamphof; Sanne J. Gordijn; Wessel Ganzevoort; Arie Franx; Wessel van Wieringen; Ank de Jonge; Jens Henrichs
Fetal Diagn Ther (2024) 51 (6): 571–582.
Fetal Therapy
Chorioamniotic Membrane Separation after Fetal Spina Bifida Repair: Impact of CMS Size and Patient Management
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Julia Wawrla-Zepf; Ladina Vonzun; Ladina Rüegg; Nele Strübing; Franziska Krähenmann; Martin Meuli; Luca Mazzone; Ueli Moehrlen; Spina Bifida Study Group Zurich; Nicole Ochsenbein-Kölble
Fetal Diagn Ther (2024) 51 (6): 583–593.
Pre- and Periviable PPROM after Fetoscopic Laser Surgery: Are Survival Outcomes Better than We Think?
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Noelle Breslin; Taylor Jacob; Caitlin Baptiste; Jaqueline Thompson; Cheng Chen; Shai Bejerano; Cynthia Fung-Masson; Chia-Ling Nhan-Chang; Lynn L. Simpson; Russell Miller
Fetal Diagn Ther (2024) 51 (6): 594–602.
Review Article
Fetal Lower Urinary Tract Obstruction: Current Diagnostic and Therapeutic Strategies and Future Directions
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Fetal Diagn Ther (2024) 51 (6): 603–611.
Clinical Fetal Medicine
North American Fetal Therapy Network: Maternal Outcomes in Fetal Aqueductal Stenosis
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Stephen P. Emery; Samia Lopa; Erika Peterson; Jena L. Miller; Marjorie C. Treadwell; Juliana Gebb; Henry Galan; Eric P. Bergh; Amanda Criebaum; Amelia McLennan; Joseph B. Lillegard; Yair J. Blumenfeld; Ozhan M. Turan; David C. Streitman
Fetal Diagn Ther (2024) 51 (6): 612–616.
Effect of Maternal Ursodeoxycholic Acid Treatment on Fetal Atrioventricular Conduction in Patients with Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Fetal Diagn Ther (2024) 51 (6): 617–623.
Erratum - Prenatal Management and Perinatal Outcome in a Large Series of Hydrops Fetalis
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Fetal Diagn Ther (2024) 51 (6): 624.
Acknowledgement to Reviewers
Acknowledgement to Reviewers
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Fetal Diagn Ther (2024) 51 (6): 625–626.
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Fetal Diagn Ther (2024) 51 (6): I.