Objective: To compare the sonographic measurement of maternal subcutaneous and visceral adipose thickness between pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and patients with nondiabetic pregnancies. Methods: Adipose thickness was measured by transabdominal ultrasound in pregnant women attending our antenatal clinics at 24-28 weeks' gestation. All patients underwent a 75-g oral glucose challenge as a diagnostic test for GDM. Results: The study population comprised 56 women with a positive glucose challenge test and 112 nondiabetic pregnancies. Measurements of subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissues were converted into multiples of the median (MoM), adjusted for gestational age. The mean subcutaneous thickness MoM in patients with GDM was significantly higher compared to nondiabetic pregnancies (1.31 vs. 1.07; p = 0.011). Similarly, the mean visceral thickness MoM was higher in women with a positive oral glucose tolerance test compared to controls (1.61 vs. 1.06; p < 0.001). Multivariate logistic regression analysis demonstrated that visceral adipose thickness, but not subcutaneous thickness, was significantly and independently associated with GDM (odds ratio 34.047, 95% confidence interval 9.489-122.166). Conclusions: Sonographic thickness of maternal visceral adipose tissue at 24-28 weeks' gestation was higher in women with GDM compared to nondiabetic pregnancies, independently from other known risk factors associated with GDM.