We report below a case of in utero tracheoscopy with laser collapse of a bronchogenic cyst obstructing the fetal trachea. The patient was referred for ultrasonography at 24 weeks of gestation because of fetal hydrops. Tracheoscopy was performed via fetoscopic approach using a single trocar under local anesthesia with lidocaine and ultrasound guidance. This revealed an image suggestive of a cyst obstructing the middle third at the anterior base of the trachea. Coagulation using a diode laser enabled us to collapse this fluid-filled cyst with three 10-watt bursts (3 times 3 s) and to visualize a completely unobstructed tracheobronchial tree with significant pulmonary fluid reflux on removal of the obstacle. The fetal condition improved markedly within 48 h after the procedure. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first described case of in utero treatment of a tracheal obstruction by tracheoscopy and laser. In severe cases of obstruction of the fetal airways, whether the obstacle is situated in a high or low position, fetal endoscopy is of diagnostic and potentially therapeutic utility.