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Keywords: Ureterocele
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Journal Articles
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European Urology (1997) 32 (3): 321–327.
Published Online: 19 February 2019
...L. Jelloul; D. Berger; P. Frey Objective: Treatment of ureteroceles in children varies according to the anatomicopathological form and the choice of the surgical team. This study tries to determine the exact value of the endoscopic management of ureteroceles in children. Methods: Between 1987...
Journal Articles
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European Urology (1986) 12 (5): 331–333.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
...G. Passerini Glazel; A. Calabro; F. Aragona; E.F. Avni; C.C. Schulman Ureterocele without corresponding renal tissue (blind ureterocele) represents a very rare malformation which is of special interest for the understanding of the embryogenesis of this anomaly. Two cases, the first without...
Journal Articles
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European Urology (1976) 2 (3): 153–155.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
...J.F. Jimenez; F. Garcia Lopez; F. Sole-Balcells A case is presented of prolapsed ectopic ureterocele which produced severe urinary retention in a 31-year-old male patient. The usefulness of lumbar transcutaneous puncture is emphasized in a case associated with a non-functioning upper pole...
Journal Articles
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European Urology (1976) 2 (3): 113–119.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
...J. Brueziere Urine incontinence of sphincteric origin in the little girl can have several origins: epispadias,hypospadias, bilateral single ectopic ureters, isolated sphincteric agenesis, iatrogenic lesion of the sphincter,complications of ureterocele. Creation of a new urethra alone, whatever...
Journal Articles
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European Urology (1981) 7 (6): 321–323.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
...Jean Cendrom; Yves Melin; Jacques Valayer From 1970 to 1977, 35 patients with ectopic ureterocele underwent a simplified treatment which consisted of the removal of the upper part of the kidney and its dilated ureter, but with no attention to the intravesical swelling. The procedure...
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European Urology (1979) 5 (6): 347–351.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
...U. Bracci; L. Miano; C. Lauretti Homolateral pelvic ureteroureterostomies were performed in 25 patients presenting with complete duplication of the pyeloureteric tract. The procedure was performed in 16 cases of ureteroceles,in 7 cases of reflux in duplicated ureters, in 1 case of ectopic ureter...
Journal Articles
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European Urology (1990) 17 (4): 321–324.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
...C. Viville By referring to two cases, the author demonstrates the possibility of managing certain ureteroceles exclusively by endoscopic treatment. On one hand, by incising or resecting the ureterocele and, on the other hand, by suppressing the reflux thus created with a Teflon injection under...
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European Urology (1985) 11 (2): 106–109.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
...Francisco Tibor Dénes; Roberto Nicomedes Lopes; Sami Arap; Frederico Arnaldo Queiroz e Silva; Gilberto Menezes de Goes Although rare, the prolapsed ureterocele constitutes a urologie emergency that can rapidly evolve to severe conditions due to congestion and necrosis, and to obstruction...
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European Urology (1987) 13 (5): 322–323.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
... and one simple ureterocele. The pattern of anomalies showed that renal agenesis was associated with a sensory level in the dermatomes T5-8, horseshoe kidneys with T9-L1 and duplications predominantly with the sacral dermatomes. 11 8 2017 1987 Copyright / Drug Dosage / Disclaimer Copyright...
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European Urology (1984) 10 (1): 36–39.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
...J. Vicente Rodriguez Of 366 patients with lower ureteral calculi operated upon by the author, 25 (6.83%) had a stone in a ureterocele. Operation is necessary as these stones cannot pass spontaneously. If endoscopic surgery is undertaken, the following must be taken into account: the ureteral tone...
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European Urology (1989) 16 (3): 195–199.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
...Paolo Caione; Antonio Zaccara; Nicola Capozza; Mario De Gennaro Prenatal ultrasound has set the stage for new trends in the diagnosis and treatment of many urinary tract malformations, in particular duplication of the renal collecting system with ureterocele. The authors have reviewed...
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European Urology (2001) 39 (3): 332–336.
Published Online: 15 March 2001
...B. Chertin; A. Fridmans; I. Hadas-Halpren; A. Farkas Objectives: Over the past years the surgical approach to ureterocele has evolved from complicated major surgery to minimally invasive endoscopic treatment. Because of the high rate of secondary surgery in some recently reported series, an upper...
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European Urology (2000) 37 (6): 714–717.
Published Online: 12 May 2000
...Jacques Aubert; Jacques Irani; Hervé Baumert We studied a family in which the father and his two daughters had ureteroceles involving the upper half of a duplex system. Our report gives additional evidence for the genetic background of ureteroceles. 12 5 2000 2000 Copyright / Drug...