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Journal Articles
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European Urology (1990) 17 (2): 134–138.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
... infection on the urine culture before ECL. They did not receive any antibiotic prophylaxis and 4.8% of the patients developed infectious problems, with significant bacteriuria in only 1.5% of the cases. 89 patients had urinary tract infection on the preoperative cultures. 21.3% developed either fever...
Journal Articles
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European Urology (1979) 5 (2): 81–85.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
...K.U. Laval; W. Lutzeyer The aetiology of the paranephric abscess has been greatly modified since the introduction of antibiotics. Its frequency has decreased but its prognosis has not been improved. 20 cases of paranephric abscess have been studied retrospectively. Its main cause is no longer...
Journal Articles
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European Urology (1994) 26 (2): 115–119.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
..., a microbiological investigation was carried out. Wide-spectrum or specific antibiotic therapy was prescribed as required. All patients were also randomized to 2 groups to assess the efficacy of local estrogen therapy. The authors concluded that wide-spectrum antibiotic therapy with macrolide and mepartricin should...
Journal Articles
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European Urology (1988) 14 (5): 398–401.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
...Gürkan Kazanci; Recep Büyükalpelli In view of 50 cases of chronic bacterial prostatitis the efficacy and limitations of antibiotic susceptibility tests have been evaluated and factors affecting passage of drugs across the prostatic cell membrane have been discussed. 11 8 2017 1988...
Journal Articles
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European Urology (1976) 2 (4): 164–167.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
...A. Steg The chemical analysis of the fluid obtained by puncturing 100 simple renal cysts in adults show that the composition of cystic fluid resembles that of interstitial fluid. The chemical balance between cystic fluid and the interstitial space seems to occur passively. Antibiotics which were...
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European Urology (2001) 39 (2): 212–214.
Published Online: 08 February 2001
... advertised or of their effectiveness, quality or safety. The publisher and the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Cystoscopy flexible Infection Antibiotics...
Journal Articles
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European Urology (1999) 37 (Suppl. 1): 21–25.
Published Online: 27 January 2000
... that are commercially distributed: Connaught, Tice (Apogepha, Dresden, Germany), and RIVM (Medac, Hamburg, Germany). Other antibiotics tested were: amoxycillin, amoxycillin-clavulanic acid, azithromycin, carbenicillin, cefaclor, cefoxitin, ciprofloxacin, clarithromycin, doxycycline, erythromycin, fosfomycin...
Journal Articles
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European Urology (1998) 34 (6): 457–466.
Published Online: 04 December 1998
... be confirmed by the Meares and Stamey technique. Antibiotic therapy is recommended for acute exacerbations of chronic prostatitis, chronic bacterial prostatitis and chronic inflammatory prostatitis, if there is clinical, bacteriological or supporting immunological evidence of prostate infection. Unless...