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February 2000
ISSN 0302-2838
EISSN 1873-7560
European Urology 2000, Vol. 37, No. 2
Molecular Genetic Parameters in Pathogenesis and Prognosis of Testicular Germ Cell Tumors
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Further Areas
European Urology (2000) 37 (2): 121–135.
Severe Bleeding after Nephrolithotomy: Results of Hyperselective Embolization
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Further Areas
European Urology (2000) 37 (2): 136–139.
Effect of Dietary Intake on Urinary Oxalate Excretion in Calcium Oxalate Stone Formers in Their Forties
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Further Areas
European Urology (2000) 37 (2): 140–144.
Stone Recurrence after Lithotripsy in Patients with Recurrent Idiopathic Calcium Urolithiasis: Efficacy of Treatment with Fiuggi Water
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Further Areas
European Urology (2000) 37 (2): 145–148.
Incontinence – Neurourology
The Relationships of Urethral and Pelvic Floor Muscles and the Urethral Pressure Measurements in Women with Stress Urinary Incontinence
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Further Areas
European Urology (2000) 37 (2): 149–155.
Audit of Early Bladder Management Complications after Spinal Cord Injury in First–Treating Hospitals
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Further Areas
European Urology (2000) 37 (2): 156–160.
Sacral Root Neuromodulation in the Treatment of Refractory Urinary Urge Incontinence: A Prospective Randomized Clinical Trial
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Further Areas
E.H.J. Weil; J.L. Ruiz-Cerdá; P.H.A. Eerdmans; R.A. Janknegt; B.L.H. Bemelmans; Ph.E.V. van Kerrebroeck
European Urology (2000) 37 (2): 161–171.
Andrology – Erectile Dysfunction
Increased Nitric Oxide Production in the Spermatic Vein of Patients with Varicocele
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Further Areas
European Urology (2000) 37 (2): 172–175.
Immunohistochemical and Quantitative Study of Mast Cells in La Peyronie’s Disease
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O. Leopardi; F. Colombo; B. Frigo; A. Zucchi; E. Patelli; M. Colecchia; F. Mantovani; W. Naughten; E. Pisani
European Urology (2000) 37 (2): 176–182.
History of 7,093 Patients with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Related to Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Treated with Alfuzosin in General Practice up to 3 Years
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European Urology (2000) 37 (2): 183–190.
Community Study of Uncomplicated Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms among Male Italien Immigrants in Sydney, Australia
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European Urology (2000) 37 (2): 191–198.
Risk Factors in Prostatectomy Bleeding: Preoperative Urinary Infection is the only Reversible Factor
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European Urology (2000) 37 (2): 199–204.
Prostate Cancer
Comparison of an LH–RH Analogue (Goeserelin Acetate, ‘Zoladex’) with Combined Androgen Blockade in Advanced Prostate Cancer: Final Survival Results of an International Multicentre Randomized–Trial
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Further Areas
C.J. Tyrrell; J.E. Altwein; F. Klippel; C. Jurincic-Winkler; E. Varenhorst; G. Lunglmayr; F. Boccardo; I.M. Holdaway; J.-M. Haefliger; J.P. Jordaan
European Urology (2000) 37 (2): 205–211.
Prognostic Significance of Ki–67 Expression in Advanced Prostate Cancers in Relation to Disease Progression after Androgen Ablation
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Further Areas
European Urology (2000) 37 (2): 212–217.
Prostate–Specific Antigen Levels and Clinical Response to Flutamide as the Second Hormone Therapy for Hormone–Refractory Prostate Carcinoma
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Further Areas
European Urology (2000) 37 (2): 218–222.
Urinary Continence following Radical Prostatectomy Assessed by a Self–Administered Questionnaire
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Further Areas
European Urology (2000) 37 (2): 223–227.
Basic Science
Identification of a Novel Microsatellite Marker Tightly Linked to the KAI–1 Gene for Predicting Prostate Cancer Progression
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European Urology (2000) 37 (2): 228–233.
Polymorphisms in the Vitamin D Receptor Gene and the Androgen Receptor Gene and the Risk of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
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Further Areas
J. Teun Bousema; Marion J.G. Bussemakers; Kjeld P. van Houwelingen; Frans M.J. Debruyne; André L.M. Verbeek; Jean J.M.C.H. de la Rosette; Lambertus A. Kiemeney
European Urology (2000) 37 (2): 234–238.
Further Section
Congress Calendar
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European Urology (2000) 37 (2): 238–239.
Forthcoming Papers
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Further Areas
European Urology (2000) 37 (2): 240.
5.4 Curriculum in Urology. Renal Failure and Andrology
Erectile Dysfunction and Anejaculation
Subject Area:
Further Areas
European Urology (2000) 37 (2): 241–251.