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March 1998
ISSN 0302-2838
EISSN 1873-7560
In this Issue
European Urology 1998, Vol. 33, No. 3
Review Paper
Urinary Incontinence in Elderly Women
Subject Area:
Further Areas
European Urology (1998) 33 (3): 241–247.
Clinical Paper
The Need for an International Classification of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
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Further Areas
European Urology (1998) 33 (3): 248–250.
Clearance of Free and Total Serum PSA after Prostatic Surgery
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Further Areas
European Urology (1998) 33 (3): 251–254.
Effect of Digital Rectal Examination and Flexible Cystoscopy on Free and Total Prostate-Specific Antigen, and the Percentage of Free Prostate-Specific Antigen: Differences between Two PSA Assays
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Further Areas
F.I. Rodríguez-Rubio; J.E. Robles; A. González; J. Arocena; G. Sanz; F. Díez-Caballero; A. Martín-Marquina; J.M. Berián
European Urology (1998) 33 (3): 255–260.
Gleason Scores from Prostate Biopsies Obtained with 18-Gauge Biopsy Needles Poorly Predict Gleason Scores of Radical Prostatectomy Specimens
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Further Areas
European Urology (1998) 33 (3): 261–270.
Prognostic Significance of Seminal Vesicle Invasion on the Radical Prostatectomy Specimen: Rationale for Seminal Vesicle Biopsies
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European Urology (1998) 33 (3): 271–277.
Comparative Analysis of MiB1 and p53 Expression in Human Bladder Tumors and Their Correlation with Cancer Progression
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Further Areas
Christian Pfister; Françoise Buzelin; Christophe Casse; Ghislain Bochereau; Jean Marie Buzelin; Olivier Bouchot
European Urology (1998) 33 (3): 278–284.
A Randomized Study of Short-v ersus Long-Term Intravesical Epirubicin Instillation for Superficial Bladder Cancer
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Further Areas
Kikuo Okamura; Tsuneo Kinukawa; Yoshio Tsumura; Toshikazu Otani; Hiroshi Itoh; Hiroaki Kobayashi; Osamu Matsuura; Mineo Kobayashi; Toshiaki Fukatsu; Shinichi Ohshima; N Nagoya University Urological Oncology Group
European Urology (1998) 33 (3): 285–289.
Changes in Erectile Response to Repeated Audiovisual Sexual Stimulation
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Further Areas
European Urology (1998) 33 (3): 290–292.
The Effect of Re-Dosing of Vasodilators on the Intracavernosal Pressure and on the Penile Rigidity
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Further Areas
European Urology (1998) 33 (3): 293–297.
Comparative Analysis of Bladder Neck Suspension Using Raz, Burch and Transvaginal Burch Procedures: A 3-Year Randomized Prospective Study
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European Urology (1998) 33 (3): 298–302.
Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy: Comparison of the Transperitoneal and Retroperitoneal Approach
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Osamu Miyake; Kazuhiro Yoshimura; Toshiaki Yoshioka; Masahito Honda; Yukito Kokado; Tsuneharu Miki; Akihiko Okuyama
European Urology (1998) 33 (3): 303–307.
Rotundovaginopexy in Orthotopic Ileal Neobladder following Radical Cystectomy in Women
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Further Areas
European Urology (1998) 33 (3): 308–311.
Maximum Efficacy of Finasteride Is Obtained within 6 Months and Maintained over 6 Years: Follow-Up of the Scandinavian Open-Extension Study
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Further Areas
European Urology (1998) 33 (3): 312–317.
Vasal Reanastomosis Using Fibrin Glue Combined with Sutures: Which Combination of Sutures in a Delayed Protocol?: Experimental Study in Rats
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Further Areas
European Urology (1998) 33 (3): 318–322.
Repeated Urine Analysis in Patients with Calcium Stone Disease
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European Urology (1998) 33 (3): 323–332.
Pediatric Urology
Results of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy in the Pediatric Age Group
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Oktay Nazlı; Çaǧ Çal; Ceyhun Özyurt; Gürhan Günaydın; İbrahim Cüreklibatır; Vedat Avcıeri; Özcan Erhan
European Urology (1998) 33 (3): 333–336.
Posttraumatic High-Flow Priapism in a 10-Year-Old Boy: Superselective Embolization of the Arteriovenous Fistula
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Further Areas
European Urology (1998) 33 (3): 337–339.
Basic Science
Effect of the Lipidosterolic Extract of Serenoa repens (Permixon®) and Its Major Components on Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor-Induced Proliferation of Cultures of Human Prostate Biopsies
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Further Areas
Monique Paubert-Braquet; Henri Cousse; Jean-Pierre Raynaud; Jean Michel Mencia-Huerta; Pierre Braquet
European Urology (1998) 33 (3): 340–347.
Urinary N-Acetyl-β-N- Glucosaminidase in Patientswith Urinary Tract Infection
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Further Areas
European Urology (1998) 33 (3): 348–350.
Special Section
Curriculum in Urology
Subject Area:
Further Areas
European Urology (1998) 33 (3): 351–364.