The QUIBUS study is the largest investigation ever performed in Italy with an extensive use of the ICS-BPH questionnaire. The internal consistency of each of its three domains was high for ICS-Male (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.83 and 0.89 for symptoms and bother, respectively) and lower for ICS-Sex (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.63 and 0.75, see a following paper of this issue) and ICS-QoL (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.53), as previously reported in the validation study of this tool. Voiding symptoms were more frequently reported, with reduced urinary stream, terminal dribble and incomplete bladder emptying as the most frequently represented. The first storage symptom in the ranking by frequency was ‘rush to toilet’ (70% of the population), in 7th position; however, the relevant bother was among the highest reported. Items related to urinary incontinence appeared, when present, highly bothersome (87–92% of patients), even though exhibited by a minority of the population (5–34%). The mean (±SD) IPSS, calculated on 970 patients, was 15 (±7). Two major discrepancies were found in the comparison between IPSS and ICS-Male. First, terminal dribble, which is not considered in the IPSS, is often reported in the ICS-Male. Second, some storage symptoms (nocturia and day-time frequency) are less frequently reported in the ICS-Male than in the IPSS, while being, in general, highly bothersome. As regards QoL, 95% of subjects declared that they would not be completely happy to spend the rest of their life with their actual symptoms (ICS-QoL item 33) and 79% that BPH influences their life from ‘a little’ to ‘a lot’ (ICS-QoL item 30). The mean (±SD) IPSS-QoL single question score was 3.0 ± 1.4 (n = 970), and the frequency distribution of scores was equivalent to the one detected by the corresponding question of ICS-QoL (item 33). SF-36, a disease-independent questionnaire about QoL, after a 1-year follow-up is expected to clarify which among the IPSS and ICS-BPH items better describe the impact of BPH on QoL.