Ancient reports on urinary incontinence are rather rare and mainly address cases of extraurethral incontinence, e.g. due to a fistula acquired during childbirth or overflow incontinence, e.g. in males with urinary retention or after spinal cord injury. In modern times several authors dealt with the problem of postoperative incontinence after perineal lithotomy. Surgical techniques for the cure of urinary incontinence were not introduced before the 19th century. First this was limited to fistula repair but at the turn of the century new procedures for stress incontinence were introduced and became standard clinical procedures. Other modern techniques, e.g. artificial sphincters or electrostimulation, were alternatives developed in urology during the second half of our century. This article from the history of medicine outlines early reports on urinary incontinence and reveals a more detailed review of the different treatment options including conservative therapies, incontinence devices, electrotherapy and surgical procedures, including injection therapies and artificial sphincters.

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