Objective: In order to investigate the possible association between mast cells (MCs) and the fibrous plaque of La Peyronie’s disease, the number of MCs in normal penile tissue and in the fibrous plaque was determined.Methods: The control group consisted of 5 total and 3 partial penectomies with no fibrotic lesions, while the study group consisted of 23 excisional biopsies from cases of La Peyronie’s disease dating back to at least 2 years earlier and with no signs of activity. The biopsies included tissues from the tunica albuginea (TA), the areolar tissue (Br) between the tunica and the erectile tissue (CC) and from the latter. The number of MCs was counted with the aid of an image analysis program following staining the antibody antitryptase.Results: In the cases of La Peyronie’s disease the number of MCs/mm2 was significantly higher in the TA and Br but lower in the CC. The MCs were related to fibroblasts and vasculonervous channels in the TA, and were concentrated around the fibrous plaques and granulation tissue between the TA and BR and between the latter and the CC.Conclusion: Our data indicate that MCs have a role in the genesis of the fibrous plaque in the TA and in the persistent inflammation in the Br. Medical treatment aimed at repressing MC activation and proliferation locally might be useful in La Peyronie’s disease.