The purpose of this presentation is to describe the distribution of noradrenergic nerves in the human genitourinary system. The techniques which have been employed include formaldehyde-induced fluorescence and immunocytochemical methods to demonstrate dopamine β-hydroxylase and tyrosine hydroxylase. These methods have been applied to human fetal, neonatal, infant, child and adult tissues removed either at post mortem examination or by surgical excision. The innervation of the fetal urinary bladder is well established by 13 weeks and, as in older specimens, the detrusor receives a sparse noradrenergic nerve supply. In contrast the smooth muscle of the terminal ureter is well supplied by this type of autonomic nerve. An additional incomplete muscle layer has been identified as a nomal component of the terminal ureter which is richly innervated by noradrenergic nerves. In some cases this muscle forms a complete collar which may be responsible for ureteric obstruction. By comparison with the detrusor, bladder neck smooth muscle receives a dense noradrenergic nerve supply particularly in the male. Unlike the detrusor, the structure and innervation of the vas deferens, seminal vesicle and prostate are poorly differentiated in the fetus. In the infant and child, the structure of the intramural smooth muscle of these organs remains immature although a rich noradrenergic nerve supply resembing the adult has been established in the fetus by 30 weeks. In the fetus, autonomic ganglia occur in association with noradrenaline rich paraganglia and surprisingly, with sensory nerve endings resembling pacinian corpuscles. Shortly after birth paraganglia are no longer associated with the autonomic ganglia of the genitourinary system. On the basis of size at least two types of autonomic neuron populate these autonomic ganglia. One type is relatively large and devoid of catecholamines but is closely associated with pericellular noradrenergic nerve fibres. The second type of neuron is small, contains noradrenaline and is arranged in clusters closely related to the capsule of the prostate gland. The significance of these observations will be considered with respect to the neurological control of the genitourinary system.