In a dose-dependent manner, a first rapid i.v. injection of ALG inhibited an induced diuresis and depressed arterial ALG blood pressure. A similar dose of normal heterologous gloublin had no effect. A second rapid injection of ALG given 3 h after a first injection did not inhibit diuresis or cause such marked hypotension. However, a second injection of ALG given 1 or 2 days after the first inhibited diuresis. Inhibition of diuresis by a first injection of ALG was not prevented by antihistamine or heparin therapy. However, if the ALG was infused over 1 h the inhibitory effect on diuresis was not significant. When peripheral blood lymphocytes were given with the second injection of ALG (the second ALG injection given 3 h after the first) diuresis was inhibited. This effect was not so evident when thoracic duct lymphocytes were given in even larger numbers.