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Keywords: Hemifacial spasm
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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Eur Neurol (1992) 32 (5): 260–263.
Published Online: 12 February 2008
..., bradydactylies and kyphosis showed oscillopsia, ataxia and hemifacial spasm. MRI findings suggested a giant dermoid cyst extending from the left middle temporal fossa to the cerebellopontine angle, and this was confirmed surgically. We propose the involvement of some genetic factor or pathological process common...
Journal Articles
Eur Neurol (1993) 33 (4): 316–319.
Published Online: 12 February 2008
...Michael Flanders; Daniel Chin; Dan Bogheri This paper retrospectively analyses the clinical data of 65 consecutive cases of hemifacial spasm. A benign etiology was clinically evident in the majority of cases. Neuroradiologic investigation ruled out serious intracranial pathology in atypical cases...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Eur Neurol (1984) 23 (3): 163–165.
Published Online: 31 January 2008
...R. Sandyk A 58-year-old women with long-standing hemifacial spasm experienced dramatic relief of symptomatology while receiving baclofen (Lioresal®) in a daily dosage of 37.5 mg. Clinical response was noted within 48 h and she remained asymptomatic during 12 months of treatment. No toxic or side...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Eur Neurol (1999) 42 (1): 49–51.
Published Online: 06 July 1999
...Fabio Bandini; Luca Mazzella Hemifacial spasm, a life-long condition characterized by involuntary unilateral contractions of the facial muscles, is a disabling disorder often resulting in patient irritation and social embarassment. Its probable etiology is neurovascular compression of the facial...