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January 2007
ISSN 0014-3022
EISSN 1421-9913
In this Issue
Journal Name Change
Vol. 1-132 (1897-1956) were published under the journal's former title Monatsschrift für Psychiatrie und Neurologie and Vol.133-154 (1957-1967) under Psychiatria et Neurologia.
European Neurology 2007, Vol. 57, No. 1
Message from the Editor
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Eur Neurol (2007) 57 (1): 1–3.
Original Paper
Alterations in the Expression of ATP-Sensitive Potassium Channel Subunit mRNA after Acute Peripheral Nerve and Spinal Cord Injury
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Eur Neurol (2007) 57 (1): 4–10.
Ca2+ Channel Currents Inhibited by Serum from Select Patients with Guillain-Barré Syndrome
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Y. Nakatani; K. Kawakami; T. Nagaoka; I. Utsunomiya; K. Tanaka; H. Yoshino; T. Miyatake; K. Hoshi; K. Taguchi
Eur Neurol (2007) 57 (1): 11–18.
Histological and Immunohistological Changes of the Skeletal Muscles in Older SJL/J Mice
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Eur Neurol (2007) 57 (1): 19–25.
Monozygotic Twins Suffering from Huntington’s Disease Show Different Cognitive and Behavioural Symptoms
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
J.C. Gómez-Esteban; E. Lezcano; J.J. Zarranz; F. Velasco; Iñigo Garamendi; Tomás Pérez; Beatriz Tijero
Eur Neurol (2007) 57 (1): 26–30.
Restless Legs Syndrome in Hereditary Spastic Paraparesis
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Eur Neurol (2007) 57 (1): 31–35.
Two Patients with Tremor Caused by Cortical Lesions
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Eur Neurol (2007) 57 (1): 36–38.
Executive Performance on the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test in Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Eur Neurol (2007) 57 (1): 39–46.
Letter to the Editor
Ictal Spitting in a Patient with Dominant Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: Supporting Evidence of Ictal Spitting from the Nondominant Hemisphere
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Eur Neurol (2007) 57 (1): 47–49.
Severe Bradycardia in a Stroke Patient Caused by a Single Low Dose of Escitalopram
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Eur Neurol (2007) 57 (1): 50–51.
Transcortical Sensory Aphasia as a Result of Left Frontal Cortical-Subcortical Infarction: A Case Report
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Eur Neurol (2007) 57 (1): 52–53.
Vertebral Artery Dissection after Radiation Therapy: A Case Report
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Raffaele Nardone; Alessandro Venturi; Anton Wieser; Frediano Tezzon; Fabio Carducci; Max Windegger; Konrad Psenner
Eur Neurol (2007) 57 (1): 54–56.
Novel Mutation in EIF2B Gene in a Case of Adult-Onset Leukoencephalopathy with Vanishing White Matter
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Masaru Matsui; Kotaro Mizutani; Hiroaki Ohtake; Yukio Miki; Koichi Ishizu; Hidenao Fukuyama; Takayoshi Shimohata; Osamu Onodera; Masatoyo Nishizawa; Yoshihiro Takayama; Hiroshi Shibasaki
Eur Neurol (2007) 57 (1): 57–58.
Historical Note
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Eur Neurol (2007) 57 (1): 62–64.