Background: Authors have been advocating the research ideology that a computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system trained using lots of patient data and physiological signals and images based on adroit integration of advanced signal processing and artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning techniques in an automated fashion can assist neurologists, neurosurgeons, radiologists, and other medical providers to make better clinical decisions. Summary: This paper presents a state-of-the-art review of research on automated diagnosis of 5 neurological disorders in the past 2 decades using AI techniques: epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and ischemic brain stroke using physiological signals and images. Recent research articles on different feature extraction methods, dimensionality reduction techniques, feature selection, and classification techniques are reviewed. Key Message: CAD systems using AI and advanced signal processing techniques can assist clinicians in analyzing and interpreting physiological signals and images more effectively.