Objectives: Little is known about optic radiation (OR) injury in intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). We attempted to investigate OR injury in patients with ICH by diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Methods: Forty-three consecutive patients with putaminal hemorrhage and 40 normal healthy control subjects were recruited. DTI data were acquired at the beginning of rehabilitation (average 34 days after onset). DTI-Studio software was used to reconstruct the OR. Fractional anisotropies (FA) and fiber numbers of the ORs were measured. FA values and fiber numbers of affected ORs were described as abnormal when they were more than 2.5 SD lower than those of normal controls. Results: Thirty (70%) of the 43 patients showed an OR abnormality in the affected hemisphere. In 13 (30%) patients, the affected OR was disrupted or nonreconstructable. On the other hand, of the 20 patients with preserved OR integrity, 14 (33%) had a low FA value and 3 (7%) a low FA and fiber number. The other 13 (30%) of the 43 patients had no abnormal OR findings. Conclusion: Seventy percent of patients showed any abnormality of OR in the affected hemisphere on DTI. This result suggests that patients with putaminal hemorrhage are at high risk of OR injury.