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Keywords: Cystathioninuria
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Journal Articles
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Enzyme (1982) 27 (2): 69–74.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
.... However, lines from 2 patients with B6-responsive cystathioninuria and a line from 1 patient with B(6)-unresponsive cystathioninuria failed to incorporate [14C]-leucine under these conditions. Addition of pyridoxine up to 0.5 mM had no consistent effect on cells from normal subjects. Addition of 0.5 mM...
Journal Articles
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Enzyme (1979) 24 (4): 265–268.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
...Theresa A. Pascal; N.G. Beraris Heating at 70 °C with and without added pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) had strikingly different effects on cystathionase protein from normal long-term lymphoid cell lines and on the enzyme from cells derived from patients with vitamin-B6-responsive cystathioninuria. PLP...