Background/Aims: Non-fatal opioid overdose (NFOO) and major depression (MD) are highly prevalent in heroin users. Many risk factors are known for NFOO, but studies in non-clinical samples on its relationship with MD are lacking. We aimed to examine this relationship in a street-recruited sample, controlling for potential well-known confounders. Methods: A cross-sectional study in 452 heroin users street-recruited by chain referral methods in three Spanish cities. Eligibility criteria were: age ≤30 years, heroin use at least 12 days in the last year and at least once in the last 3 months. Depression was assessed using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview. A precise definition of NFOO was used. Adjusted odds ratios (AORs) for the NFOO predictors were obtained by logistic regression. Results: The prevalence of NFOO and MD in the last 12 months was 9.1 and 23.2%, respectively. After adjusting for potential confounders, NFOO and MD were significantly associated (AOR 2.2; 95% CI 1.01-4.74). Other associated factors were imprisonment (AOR 4.1; 95% CI 1.4-12.1), drug injection (AOR 6.7; 95% CI 2.4-18.4) and regular use of tranquillisers/sleeping pills (AOR 2.9; 95% CI 1.16-7). Conclusions: Drug and mental health treatment facilities should consider the relationship between MD and NFOO when contacting and treating heroin users. Imprisonment, drug injection and use of tranquillisers/sleeping pills are also risk factors for NFOO.