Aim: To clarify the features of biliary carcinomas and pancreatic disorders associated with pancreaticobiliary maljunction (PBM). Method: A total of 107 PBM patients with biliary dilatation were reviewed (52 with and 55 without PBM). Clinicopathological findings of biliary carcinomas, and acute or chronic pancreatitis were examined in association with PBM. We also investigated pancreatographic findings in PBM patients and the relationship to their clinical findings in view of pancreatic juice flow. Results: Gallbladder and bile duct carcinomas were seen in 11 (21%) and 8 (15%) of the 52 patients with PBM and biliary dilatation, respectively. In patients with PBM without biliary dilatation (n = 55), only gallbladder carcinoma was detected in 36 (65%) patients. At diagnosis, patients with gallbladder or bile duct carcinoma associated with PBM were younger than those without PBM (p < 0.01). Gallstones were detected only in 6% of the patients with PBM-associated gallbladder carcinoma. Multiple biliary carcinomas were detected in 3 patients (38%) with PBM-associated bile duct carcinoma. While 48 patients (60%) with biliary carcinoma and PBM had a normal pancreatic duct system, only 2 gallbladder carcinomas occurred in 11 dorsal pancreatic duct (DPD)-dominant patients (p < 0.05). Amylase concentration in the bile of DPD-dominant patients was significantly lower than that of patients with a normal pancreatic duct system (p < 0.05). Ten PBM patients had pancreatic disorders: acute pancreatitis (n = 3), chronic pancreatitis (n = 5), and pancreatic carcinoma (n = 2). Conclusions: In PBM patients, pancreatobiliary reflux frequently leads to biliary cancer, and biliopancreatic reflux often leads to acute or chronic pancreatitis. The biliary tract of PBM patients can be considered premalignant.