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Journal Articles
Journal: Dermatology
Dermatology (2024) 240 (5-6): 702–712.
Published Online: 17 July 2024
...-to-severe psoriasis (PS), atopic dermatitis (AD), hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), or chronic urticaria (CU) starting or modifying a systemic treatment. At the inclusion visit and then every 6 months during 4 years, patient-reported outcomes and data on these diseases and their treatments are recorded...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal: Dermatology
Dermatology (2015) 230 (4): 324–331.
Published Online: 20 February 2015
... histamine-mediated AO, with identification of the responsible allergen via percutaneous testing or with circulating allergen-specific immunoglobulin E antibodies, as well as those presenting with undisputable chronic spontaneous urticaria-associated AO [ 25 ] were excluded. Whenever possible, first-degree...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal: Dermatology
Dermatologica (1975) 151 (6): 360–367.
Published Online: 15 October 2009
...P. Thune; A. Granholt 100 patients (53 women, 47 men) suffering from recurrent urticaria were tested with different food additives such as 8 dye additives, 7 preservatives and 7 antiphlogistica. In total did 62 patients react with urticaria and/or angio-oedema. 39 patients had reactions to two...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal: Dermatology
Dermatologica (1981) 163 (2): 151–159.
Published Online: 14 October 2009
...W.J. Boonk; W.G. van Ketel In 164 patients with chronic recurrent urticaria, the value of skin tests was investigated. Patch tests carried out with the standard series of the International Contact Dermatitis Research Group and with a series of penicillins revealed positive reactions in 22 (35/162...
Journal Articles
Journal: Dermatology
Dermatologica (1982) 164 (4): 278–283.
Published Online: 14 October 2009
...(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Pemphigus herpetiformis Eosinophilic spongiosis Aminophenazone Urticaria Dermatologica 164: 278-283 (1982) Urticaria...
Journal Articles
Journal: Dermatology
Dermatologica (1985) 170 (3): 133–135.
Published Online: 13 October 2009
... scattered in the dermis and were identified as mast-cells. Both patients experienced some relief of their disease in summer. Dermatológica ¡70: 133-135 (1985) © 1985 S. Karger AG, Basel 0011-9075/85 1703-0133 S 2.75 0 Urticaria-Like Follicular Mucinosis F. Crovatoa, G. Nazzaria, E. N unzib, A. Reborab...
Journal Articles
Journal: Dermatology
Dermatologica (1986) 173 (1): 5–8.
Published Online: 13 October 2009
...Anthony D. Ormerod; Roger Baker; Jane Watt; Marion I. White The effects of brompheniramine maleate (12 mg twice daily in sustained release form) and terfenadine (60 mg twice daily) on the symptoms and well-being of 16 adults with urticaria with or without dermographism were assessed by symptom...
Journal Articles
Journal: Dermatology
Dermatologica (1983) 166 (2): 62–63.
Published Online: 13 October 2009
...M. Damseaux; C. Pierard-Franchimont; G.E. Pierard IgE and immune complexes were searched in patients suffering from urticaria and urticarial vasculitis. Increased amounts of IgE and increased C1q binding activity in the serum were often found, but practically never in association. Type I and III...
Journal Articles
Journal: Dermatology
Dermatologica (1983) 166 (1): 42–43.
Published Online: 13 October 2009
...S. Veronesi; B. Palmerio; M. Negosanti; A. Tosti This study was carried out on 50 patients affected with urticaria: Giardia lamblia was isolated in 6 patients (12%). The relationship between intestinal giardiasis and urticaria is discussed. Giardia lamblia Intestinal giardiasis Metronidazole...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal: Dermatology
Dermatology (1992) 184 (2): 139–141.
Published Online: 08 October 2009
...P. Paquet; F. Laso-Dosal; M. de la Brassinne Wells’ syndrome is a rare dermatological disease whose origin remains uncertain. Based on clinical, biological and etiological data, it might be recognized as a major form of urticaria. The triggering factors are numerous and unspecific. As revealed...
Journal Articles
Journal: Dermatology
Dermatology (1995) 191 (2): 133–138.
Published Online: 07 October 2009
... or safety. The publisher and the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Eosinophilia Rheumatism Nodules, para-articular Xerosis Urticaria NERDS syndrome...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal: Dermatology
Dermatology (1996) 193 (2): 94–99.
Published Online: 06 October 2009
...F.R. de Castroa; I. Masouyé; R.K. Winkelmann; J.-H. Saurat Background: Schnitzler’s syndrome is a rare disorder characterized by chronic urticaria and monoclonal IgM gammopathy. The mechanisms of the urticarial flares remain poorly understood. Objective: To more accurately define...