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Keywords: Speckled lentiginous nevus
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Journal Articles
Journal: Dermatology
Dermatology (2010) 221 (4): 324–325.
Published Online: 11 November 2010
... to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Speckled lentiginous nevus Speckled lentiginous nevus syndrome Nevus spilus Mosaicism Hyperhidrosis Neurocutaneous syndrome Letter to Dermatology Published online...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal: Dermatology
Dermatology (1997) 194 (1): 77–79.
Published Online: 06 October 2009
...B. Hermes; B. Crenter; R. Happle; B.M. Henz We describe a 10-year-old girl affected with a speckled lentiginous nevus and an epidermal nevus of the organoid type on corresponding parts of the body. On histopathological examination, the lesions showed epidermal hyperpigmentation and melanocytic...
Journal Articles
Journal: Dermatology
Dermatology (2008) 217 (1): 63–65.
Published Online: 09 April 2008
... lesions were first found on her left forearm at 3 months old and gradually increased along with her growth. Skin biopsy from a pigmented lesion shows a pathological change in compound-type melanocytic nevus without any atypical changes. Speckled lentiginous nevus is known to have multiple melanocytic...
Journal Articles
Journal: Dermatology
Dermatology (2005) 212 (1): 53–58.
Published Online: 20 January 2006
...Helena Vidaurri-de la Cruz; Rudolf Happle Background: Speckled lentiginous nevus (SLN; synonym: nevus spilus) is a darkly spotted light-brown macule that mostly occurs as an isolated lesion of rather limited dimensions but sometimes may involve large areas of the body. So far, this skin disorder...
Journal Articles
Journal: Dermatology
Dermatology (2004) 209 (4): 321–324.
Published Online: 04 December 2004
... in the right eye, which is why we established a diagnosis of segmental neurofibromatosis 1. No family member had any sign of neurofibromatosis 1. Moreover, the patient had a large speckled lentiginous nevus involving the left side of her trunk, and her father showed a similar skin disorder on his left buttock...
Journal Articles