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Keywords: Androgenetic alopecia
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Journal Articles
Journal: Dermatology
Dermatology (2024) 240 (5-6): 833–843.
Published Online: 13 September 2024
...Yunbu Ding; Chaofan Wang; Lingbo Bi; Yimei Du; Changpei Lu; Min Zhao; Weixin Fan Background: Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is a common skin disease characterized by gradually miniaturized hair follicles, which manifests as progressive hair thinning and produces a bald appearance. Currently...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal: Dermatology
Dermatology (2014) 229 (2): 51–54.
Published Online: 09 September 2014
... months earlier in order to conceive. Acne tarda and androgenetic alopecia of female pattern were diagnosed. Hormonal and immunologic serological and ultrasound examinations revealed an autoimmune hypergonadotropic primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) with no ovarian cysts but ovarian fibrosis with marked...
Journal Articles
Journal: Dermatology
Dermatology (2012) 225 (2): 110–114.
Published Online: 02 October 2012
... or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Male pattern baldness Androgenetic alopecia Hamilton-Norwood classification Basic and specific classification Male pattern hair loss Common baldness, or male pattern hair...
Journal Articles
Journal: Dermatology
Dermatologica (1980) 161 (2): 124–132.
Published Online: 14 October 2009
...C.E. Orfanos; L. Vogels In a controlled, randomized double-blind study, 51 patients with androgenetic alopecia and increased hair loss (telogen rate > 20%) were treated by local application of hair lotions with and without 17α-estradiol (0.025%) for a period of at least 6 months. Before...
Journal Articles
Journal: Dermatology
Dermatologica (1986) 173 (3): 136–138.
Published Online: 13 October 2009
...Antonella Tosti A 1% minoxidil lotion was used to treat 670 male patients affected by androgenetic alopecia. Of the 430 patients who completed the 6 months’ treatment, only 78 (18%) had good results. A 1-year follow-up after the drug was suspended showed that the regrowth was present only in 33...
Journal Articles
Journal: Dermatology
Dermatologica (1987) 175 (Suppl. 2): 23–28.
Published Online: 09 October 2009
...R.P.R. Dawber The prevalence of androgenetic alopecia has not been accurately recorded but it is probably true that, at least in caucasoid races, some degree of transformation of terminal to vellus hair follicles on the vertex from puberty onwards is a universal phenomenon in both sexes, although...
Journal Articles
Journal: Dermatology
Dermatologica (1987) 175 (Suppl. 2): 19–22.
Published Online: 09 October 2009
... alopecia reveal that the primary morphologic event in androgenetic alopecia is miniaturization of terminal hair follicles. Shortening and diminution of follicle size is undoubtedly accompanied by shortening of the hair growth cycle (decreased anagen time). Morphometric evaluation of scalp biopsies...
Journal Articles
Journal: Dermatology
Dermatologica (1991) 182 (4): 214–217.
Published Online: 08 October 2009
... or safety. The publisher and the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Androgenetic alopecia Male subjects Hormone parameters Elevated cortisol 17β-Estradiol...
Journal Articles
Journal: Dermatology
Dermatology (1995) 190 (2): 152–155.
Published Online: 07 October 2009
...R. Böni; R. Huch Böni; D. Tsambaos; M.A. Spycher; R.M. Trüeb Trichorhinophalangeal syndrome (TRPS) comprises a distinctive combination of hair, facial and bony abnormalities with variable expression. A 20-year-old man with TRPS was seen because of marked androgenetic alopecia. Scanning electron...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal: Dermatology
Dermatology (2005) 211 (1): 54–62.
Published Online: 06 July 2005
...Rolf Hoffmann The treatment of androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is usually long lasting, and the effects of treatment attempts are difficult to measure. Consequently, there was a need for a sensitive tool to monitor hair loss and treatment response. Therefore, we developed the Trichoscan as a method...
Journal Articles
Journal: Dermatology
Dermatology (2004) 210 (1): 18–20.
Published Online: 28 January 2005
... to in the content or advertisements. Kenogen Androgenetic alopecia Hair cycle Phototrichogram Kenogen (from the Greek ĸενòς meaning ‘empty’) indicates periods in the hair cycle studied by the phototrichogram technique in which the hair follicle remains empty [ 1, 2 ]. These periods coincide...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal: Dermatology
Dermatology (2004) 209 (1): 33–39.
Published Online: 07 July 2004
...W. Cameron Chumlea; Thomas Rhodes; Cynthia J. Girman; Amy Johnson-Levonas; Flavius R.W. Lilly; Ruishan Wu; Shumei S. Guo Introduction: The genetic basis of androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is well accepted in the medical community and among the general population. However, rigorous studies investigating...
Journal Articles
Journal: Dermatology
Dermatology (2003) 207 (4): 343–348.
Published Online: 29 January 2004
...Ralph M. Trüeb Progressive thinning of the scalp hair in androgenetic alopecia (AGA) results in a gradual decline in natural protection of the scalp from ultraviolet radiation (UVR). A number of pathologic conditions of the scalp are evidently related to UVR, particularly photosensitive diseases...
Journal Articles
Journal: Dermatology
Dermatology (2003) 207 (3): 308–309.
Published Online: 17 October 2003
... discussed that the presence of normally functioning STS may be a presupposition for the development of androgenetic alopecia (AGA). Methods: Patients with the diagnosis of XRI were sent questionnaires. Results and Conclusions: We reviewed 26 cases with XRI and noticed 11 patients with AGA in an advanced...
Journal Articles
Journal: Dermatology
Dermatology (2002) 205 (2): 108–110.
Published Online: 26 August 2002
... of the existing literature. Results: The original observation in 2 women was confirmed in 10 balding and non-balding males studied for 14 years in whom kenogen lasted about 4 months increasing up to about 7 months and affecting 80% of all hair cycles. In 2 women with progressing androgenetic alopecia studied...
Journal Articles