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ISSN 1018-8665
EISSN 1421-9832
Journal Name Change
Vol. 1-78 (1893-1938) were published under the journal's former title Dermatologische Zeitschrift and Vol. 79-183 (1939-1991) under Dermatologica.
Dermatology 2002, Vol. 204, No. 3
Looking Back to the Future – Acne: The First William J. Cunliffe Lecture
Dermatology (2002) 204 (3): 167–172.
Clinical and Laboratory Investigations
Cholinergic Urticaria, a New Pathogenic Concept: Hypohidrosis due to Interference with the Delivery of Sweat to the Skin Surface
Hiromi Kobayashi; Setsuya Aiba; Tomoo Yamagishi; Muneo Tanita; Masahiro Hara; Hiroshi Saito; Hachiro Tagami
Dermatology (2002) 204 (3): 173–178.
Have Oral Contraceptives Reduced the Prevalence of Acne? A Population-Based Study of Acne vulgaris, Tobacco Smoking and Oral Contraceptives
Gregor B.E. Jemec; Allan Linneberg; Niels Henrik Nielsen; Lars Frølund; Flemming Madsen; Torben Jørgensen
Dermatology (2002) 204 (3): 179–184.
In vivo Confocal Imaging of Pigmented Eccrine Poroma
Dermatology (2002) 204 (3): 185–189.
Microcystic Adnexal Carcinoma: Review of 51 Japanese Patients
Dermatology (2002) 204 (3): 190–193.
Decreased Photodamage and Low Incidence of Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer in 136 Sun-Exposed Caucasian Patients with Vitiligo
Dermatology (2002) 204 (3): 194–201.
Use of Sunscreens in Families Living in Switzerland
Joël Berret; Stéphanie Liardet; Corinne Scaletta; Renato Panizzon; Patrick Hohlfeld; Lee Ann Applegate
Dermatology (2002) 204 (3): 202–208.
Palmar Erythema: Cutaneous Marker of Neoplasms
Dermatology (2002) 204 (3): 209–213.
Pharmacology and Treatment
Safety and Efficacy of Combined High-Dose Treatment with Calcipotriol Ointment and Solution in Patients with Psoriasis
P.C.M. van de Kerkhof; C. Green; K.J. Hamberg; P.E. Hutchinson; J.K. Jensen; P. Kidson; K. Kragballe; F.G. Larsen; C.S. Munro; D.M. Tillman
Dermatology (2002) 204 (3): 214–221.
Long-Term Efficacy of Dexamethasone-Cyclophosphamide Pulse Therapy in Pemphigus
Dermatology (2002) 204 (3): 228–231.
A Proposed Set of New Guidelines for Routine Blood Tests during Isotretinoin Therapy for Acne vulgaris
Dermatology (2002) 204 (3): 232–235.
Short Communication
Videocapillaroscopic Findings in the Microcirculation of the Psoriatic Plaque
Dermatology (2002) 204 (3): 236–239.
New Look at Clinical Entities
Palmar Digital Vein Thromboses: Their Different Expressions
Dermatology (2002) 204 (3): 240–243.
Case Report
A Case of Cutaneous Delayed-Type Allergy to Oral Dexamethasone and to Betamethasone
Eleonora Nucera; Alessandro Buonomo; Emanuela Pollastrini; Tiziana De Pasquale; Massimiliano Del Ninno; Chiara Roncallo; Domenico Schiavino; Giampiero Patriarca
Dermatology (2002) 204 (3): 248–250.
Letters to Dermatology
Sequential Treatment of Severe Atopic Dermatitis with Cyclosporin A and Low-Dose Narrow-Band UVB Phototherapy
Dermatology (2002) 204 (3): 252–254.
Recurrent Leser-Trélat Sign Associated with Two Malignancies
Dermatology (2002) 204 (3): 254–255.