Background: Print media are a major source of health information. Objectives: To analyse press coverage related to skin cancer prevention. Methods: We conducted a content analysis of print media articles pertaining to skin cancer prevention, solaria and vitamin D published in Germany and Switzerland over a 1-year period between 2012 and 2013. Results: Overall, 2,103 articles were analysed. Applying sunscreen was by far the most common sun protection recommendation. A considerable number of articles on solaria and vitamin D advocated exposure to ultraviolet radiation to enhance physical appearance and vitamin D photosynthesis, often without mentioning any precaution measures. In total, 26.8% of the articles contained misleading or erroneous statements mostly related to sunscreen use and vitamin D issues. Conclusions: Print media can serve as powerful education tools to foster skin cancer prevention. However, misleading or erroneous reports may negatively impact sun-safe behaviour.

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