Background: Tufted angioma, a peculiar angioma that is characterized by tufts of capillary-sized vessels scattered ‘cannonball fashion’ within the dermis, is known, on occasion, to regress spontaneously. However, the appropriate waiting period for spontaneous regression has remained unclear. Objective: To know the appropriate waiting period for spontaneous regression of tufted angioma. Methods: We report here a case of tufted angioma that regressed spontaneously after the lesions had recurred twice. We also review previously reported cases of tufted angioma with spontaneous regression, including cases in the Japanese and non-Japanese literature. Results: In 18 (86%) of the 21 cases, the waiting period was more than 6 months and in 20 cases (95%) it was less than 2 years. Conclusion: The appropriate wait for spontaneous regression might be between 6 months and 2 years.