Induction of the mitochondrial permeability transition (PT) has been proposed to contribute to neuronal cell death. Nearly all studies of the biochemistry of PT induction, however, have been conducted in isolated liver mitochondria. To better understand PT induction in brain mitochondria, we used Ficoll gradients to purify nonsynaptosomal mitochondria from the forebrains of male Fischer 344 rats. Incubation of these mitochondria with Ca2+ was associated with a loss of absorbance. Inorganic phosphate enhanced this loss of absorbance, and the PT inhibitor cyclosporin A reduced it, especially in conjunction with ADP. These findings suggest that Ca2+-mediated loss of absorbance resulted from PT induction. Na+, which enhances mitochondrial Ca2+ efflux, but stimulates mitochondrial free radical production, had no effect on PT induction. These data confirm the existence of tissue-specific differences in the nature of PT induction.