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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (1987) 36 (4): 238–245.
Published Online: 30 January 2009
...A. Uribe; C. Johansson; C. Rubio The frequency of arrested mitoses after vincristine injection was studied in the gastrointestinal mucosa of rats treated with either natural prostaglandin E 2 (0.2–5.0 mg·kg -1 , b.d.), 15-R-15 methyl prostaglandin E 2 (2 mg•kg -1 , b.d.) or indomethacin (1.0–3.0 mg...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (1977) 15 (3): 162–174.
Published Online: 27 January 2009
... in patients with hiatus hernia. Digestion 10: 287-297 (1974). 26 Siewert, R.: Waldeck, F. und Peiper, H. J.: Gastrointestinale Hormone und unterer Oesophagussphinkter. Chirurg 45: 28 (1974). 27 Siewert, R.; Jennewein, H.M.; Arnold, R. und Creutzfeldt, W.: Zum Verhalten des unteren Oesophagussphinkters beim...
Journal Articles