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Keywords: Gastric blood flow
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Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (1995) 56 (6): 463–471.
Published Online: 05 February 2009
... in the healing process. Intragastric administration of L -arginine (32.5-300 mg/kg/day) enhanced the healing rate of these ulcers in a dose-dependent manner, while D -arginine (300 mg/kg/day) was not effective. The acceleration of healing by L -arginine was accompanied by a marked increase in gastric blood flow...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (1996) 57 (6): 424–432.
Published Online: 05 February 2009
... in Gastroprotection against Acid-Independent and Acid-Dependent Ulcerogens Key Words Gastroprotection Capsaicin Sensory nerves Gastric blood flow Prostaglandins Abstract Treatment with small doses of topical capsaicin protects the gastric mucosa from the damage by strong irritants but functional ablation of sensory...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (1996) 57 (6): 433–445.
Published Online: 05 February 2009
... mucosal damage starting at 30 mM and reaching maximum at 250 m M (pH 11), the extent of damage being similar to that obtained with 100% ethanol. NaOH solution (1 m M ) at pH 11 given i.g. did not affect mucosal integrity. The damage caused by NH4OH was accompanied by the fall in gastric blood flow (GBF...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (1994) 55 (6): 399–404.
Published Online: 05 February 2009
... 1994 Gastric mucus Gastric lesions Gastric blood flow Nicotine Ethanol Original Paper Digestion 1994;55:399-404 I. S.C. L uka J. Hoa W.M. Wonga S.T. Yuena C. T. L u kb C.H. Chob Departments of a Pathology and b Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (1997) 58 (4): 319–331.
Published Online: 05 February 2009
.... In this study, acute gastric lesions were produced by an intragastric (i.g.) application of 100% ethanol and gastric blood flow (GBF) was determined by H 2 -gas clearance technique in rats with or without i.g. or intraperitoneal (i.p.) administration of α- or β-adrenoceptor agonists or antagonists...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (2000) 62 (2-3): 126–142.
Published Online: 27 September 2000
... with or without the i.c.v. pretreatment with leptin or CCK-8. Rats were anesthetized 1 h after ethanol administration to measure the gastric blood flow (GBF) and then to determine the area of gastric lesions by planimetry. Blood was withdrawn for the measurement of plasma leptin and gastrin levels...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles