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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (2012) 85 (1): 9–17.
Published Online: 24 November 2011
... only once daily, 100 mg aspirin + 20 mg famotidine twice daily, 15 mg lansoprazole once daily, or 10 mg rabeprazole once daily. All subjects underwent endoscopy and intragastric pH monitoring on day 7. Results: 7 individuals (46.7%) developed esophageal mucosal injury when ingesting aspirin alone...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (1995) 56 (Suppl. 1): 51–60.
Published Online: 05 February 2009
..., esophageal Reflux esophagitis Barrett s (columnar-lined) esophagus Famotidine Antireflux surgery Abstract All the epithelia lining the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, including that of the esophagus, exhibit a transmucosal electrical potential difference (PD). The luminal surface of the GI mucosa is indeed...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (1995) 56 (2): 145–152.
Published Online: 05 February 2009
.... Famotidine and indomethacin pretreatment only partially counteracted the MHA effect. The results indicate that MHA is highly effective in preventing ethanol-induced lesions but the exact mechanism is still uncertain. 27 12 1993 11 04 1994 1 07 1995 Original Paper Digestion 1995;56:145-152...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (1989) 44 (Suppl. 1): 54–62.
Published Online: 03 February 2009
.... 1989 Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease Reflux oesophagitis H2-receptor antagonist Cimetidine Ranitidine Famotidine Nizatidine Cisapride Sucralfate Omeprazole Treatment Digestion I989;44(suppl i): 54-62 © 1989 S. Kargcr AG. Basel 0012-282.V89/0447-0054$2.75/0 Management of Gastro...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (1985) 32 (Suppl. 1): 62–69.
Published Online: 29 January 2009
...Gabriele Bianchi Porro The new H 2 receptor antagonist, famotidine, has been tested in open and double-blind studies in over 2,000 acute duodenal or gastric ulcer patients as well as in the maintenance of chronic duodenal ulcer patients. In early studies, dosages of 20 mg b.i.d. were found...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (1985) 32 (Suppl. 1): 45–50.
Published Online: 29 January 2009
...H.G. Dammann; T.A. Walter; E. Hentschel; P. Müller; B. Simon We conducted an 8-week, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled multicenter trial (Austria and Germany) to determine whether famotidine would speed healing or relief of symptoms in patients with benign gastric ulcer. Of the 65...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (1985) 32 (Suppl. 1): 59–61.
Published Online: 29 January 2009
...J.M. Howard; M.J. Collen; K.E. McArthur; J.A. Cherner; P.N. Maton; J.D. Gardner; R.T. Jensen The safety and efficacy of the new, highly potent histamine H 2 receptor antagonist, famotidine, was evaluated in nine patients with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Famotidine was found to be safe and effective...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (1985) 32 (Suppl. 1): 7–14.
Published Online: 29 January 2009
...J.D. Burek; J.A. Majka; D.L. Bokelman Extensive preclinical safety studies with famotidine were performed or sponsored by Yamanouchi Phamaceutical Co, Ltd, Tokyo, Japan, and Merck, Sharp & Dohme Research Laboratories, West Point, Pennsylvania, USA. These studies were performed in dogs, rats...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (1985) 32 (Suppl. 1): 15–23.
Published Online: 29 January 2009
...Lacey Smith The results of the initial clinical pharmacology studies of famotidine, a new H 2 receptor antagonist, are summarized. These studies indicate that: (1) single oral doses of famotidine (5–80 mg) were well tolerated; (2) famotidine effectively suppressed basal, nocturnal, pentagastrin...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (1985) 32 (Suppl. 1): 32–37.
Published Online: 29 January 2009
... famotidine 40 mg once at night, 20 mg twice daily, 40 mg twice daily, or ranitidine 150 mg twice daily for 2 – 8 weeks. Pretreatment characteristics between the four groups were similar. After 4 weeks of treatment, among the famotidine-treated patients, 38 of 42 (90.5%) healed with the 40 mg once nightly...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (2001) 64 (3): 155–160.
Published Online: 21 December 2001
... expressing human H 2 Rs were obtained. The dose-dependent effects of lafutidine and famotidine on [ 3 H]tiotidine binding and histamine-stimulated cAMP production were analyzed. The effects of preincubation with 2.78 × 10 –7 M of lafutidine or famotidine for 30 min on histamine-dependent cAMP production...