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Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (1996) 57 (5): 341–348.
Published Online: 05 February 2009
...% of baseline level), and (3) a significantly elevated motilin release in response to instillation of autologuous bile (peak at 170 ± 16% of baseline level) and hydrochloric acid (peak at 196 ± 42% of baseline level) into the duodenal lumen. In conclusion, luminal acidification and bile are important factors...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (1994) 55 (3): 175–178.
Published Online: 05 February 2009
...R. Nitsche; A. Amelsberg; T. Berg; U.R. Fölsch Twenty-four gallstones were fragmented by extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) to compare the influence of three different biles (bovine bile, human bile, synthetic bile) and water on the rapidity of fragmentation. Four groups of comparable...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (1991) 48 (4): 202–209.
Published Online: 03 February 2009
...Sven Fischer; Frieder Berr; Gustav Paumgartner Cholecystectomy has been hypothesized to cause increased levels of potentially harmful secondary bile acids due to prolonged exposure of primary bile acids to intestinal bacteria. In the present study, we analyzed duodenal bile of the same patients...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (1985) 32 (1): 47–52.
Published Online: 29 January 2009
.... In the ileum glycine-conjugated urso was absorbed to a lower extent than glycine-conjugated cheno (6.5 ± 0.4 vs. 8.6 ± 0.6 nmol/cm·h at 25 μmol/l bile acid concentration, p < 0.05) and taurine-conjugated urso was absorbed less than taurine-conjugated cheno (6.4 ± 0.5 vs. 8.1 ± 0.7 nmol/cm·h, p < 0.05...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (1983) 28 (3): 197–200.
Published Online: 28 January 2009
...Susanne Arffmann; Liselotte Højgaard; Birgitte Giese; Einar Krag Epidemiological studies lend support to the hypothesis that high-fibre diets might prevent and low-fibre diets might facilitate the formation of cholesterol gall stones. In the present study, the bile compositions after ingestion...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (1984) 29 (3): 158–163.
Published Online: 28 January 2009
...M. Bohe; A. Borgström; S. Genell; K. Ohlsson In 3 mongrel dogs the pancreatic duct and bile duct were cannulated. After intravenous injection of 125 I-labelled anionic dog trypsin bile, pancreatic juice and blood samples were collected during 3 h. 125 I-trypsin is eliminated from the circulation...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (1982) 24 (2): 112–117.
Published Online: 28 January 2009
... and reestablished enterohepatic bile circulation. At the time of the investigation bile cultures were negative for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. Ethanol significantly increased biliary unconjugated bilirubin in respect to control values. The phenomenon reached a maximum 2 h after alcohol infusion when the value...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (1981) 21 (6): 290–296.
Published Online: 28 January 2009
... (previously reported by us) appears related to the elevated levels of cell proliferation brought about in response to the deleterious action of the bile acid on the mucosa. Increased numbers of epithelial cells undergoing DNA synthesis in cholic acid-treated animals would allow the earlier expression...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (1978) 18 (3-4): 280–285.
Published Online: 27 January 2009
...M.M. Ferrie; R. O’Hare; S.N. Joffe A closed duodenal loop was created by the obstruction of the duodenum on either side of the common bile duct. Acute haemorrhagic pancreatitis developed within 24 h with interlobular oedema, marked acinar cell necrosis, intra-abdominal fat necrosis and ascites...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (1978) 18 (5-6): 402–411.
Published Online: 27 January 2009
...C.L. Morin; V. Ling After 48 h of bile duct ligation, enterokinase activity in rat mucosa was significantly lowered in comparison with controls or rats with bile fistula. Rats with bile fistula were similar to controls. Sucrase levels were similar in all groups. Without endogenous trypsinogen...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (1976) 14 (5-6): 394–399.
Published Online: 27 January 2009
... University, Tel Aviv Key Words. Bile Bilirubin Dubin-Johnson Jaundice Liver function tests Microsomes liver Phénobarbital Sulfobromophthalein Abstract. 11 patients with jaundice of Dubin-Johnson type were treated for 2 weeks with phénobarbital. Serum bilirubin diminished and hepatic clearance...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (1978) 17 (6): 516–525.
Published Online: 27 January 2009
...D. Chivrac; M. Dumont; S. Erlinger The relationship between microsomal enzyme induction and the increase in bile flow associated with phenobarbital administration was studied in rats in three experimental situations: examination of the time-course effect of a single dose of phenobarbital (8 mg/100...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (1977) 15 (5): 390–396.
Published Online: 27 January 2009
...D.J. Frommer The form in which copper is bound in bile was studied in bile from patients with Wilson’s disease, control subjects and rats. Bile was labelled with 64 Cu. Sephadex column chromatography using gels G-200-G-10 showed a major 64 Cu and protein peak of about 5,000 daltons and a minor peak...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (1977) 15 (5): 385–389.
Published Online: 27 January 2009
... or services advertised or of their effectiveness, quality or safety. The publisher and the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. 1977 Bile Alkaline phosphatase...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (1978) 17 (3): 211–220.
Published Online: 27 January 2009
...E. Fischer; F. Varga; Z. Gregus; A. Gógl Bile flow and the biliary excretion of indocyanine green, bromcresol green, eosine, bromsulphthalein-glutathione conjugate (BSP-GSH), amaranth and iodoxamic acid were investigated in control and phenobarbital-pretreated rats (75 mg/kg i.p. daily for 5 days...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (1978) 17 (3): 204–210.
Published Online: 27 January 2009
... of stagnated bile as a possible agent provoking this secretion was explored by ligating the common bile duct and diverting the bile by means of an anastomosis between the gall bladder and the ileum distal to the obstruction. 7 days after creation of an obstruction with bile diversion, the functional...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Digestion
Digestion (1978) 17 (1): 38–45.
Published Online: 27 January 2009
... in the microcirculation of the villi. Ligation of the pancreatic and bile ducts, or administration of heparin protected the mucosa from hemorrhagic necrosis, while systemic administration of tranexamic acid increased the intestinal mucosal lesion. Local pretreatment of the intestinal mucosa by Trasylol or tranexamic acid...