Both acute and chronic alcohol consumption have severe effects on the structure and function of the entire gastrointestinal tract (GIT) which result in a vicious cycle. The healthy person who begins to drink heavily, first experiences the toxic effects of high concentrations of ethanol. Mucosal damage compromises the basic functions of the GIT. Suppression of the gastrointestinal immune system and increased transport of toxins across the mucosa result in increased susceptibility to infections. Inhibition of digestion, absorption and secretion cause diarrhea and reduce the transfer of nutrients to the rest of the body. As the individual becomes more dependent on alcohol, the functional reserve and regenerative capacity of the GIT are overwhelmed and malnutrition increases. The rate of progression of this cycle depends on several factors including nutritional intake. Whilst the clinical effects of alcohol are well recognized, more research is required to fully elucidate the underlying mechanisms.