The double fluorescent retrograde technique was employed to examine the distribution of the inferior olive (IO) neurones projecting to the cortex of the rostral and caudal parts of the paramedian lobule (PML) in the rabbit cerebellum, known to be the face-forelimb and hindlimb receiving areas, respectively. Moreover, this technique was also used to investigate the possibility that IO projections reaching these two somatotopically non-homologous PML regions are collaterals of the same axones. No other reports have addressed this question. After non-overlapping unilateral injections of the cytoplasmic tracer fast blue (FB) and the nuclear dye diamidino yellow (DY) into the rostral and caudal PML, respectively, numerous single FB- or DY-labelled cells were found in the defined regions of the contralateral IO. These regions showed considerable overlap, apart from the dorsal accessory olive where a clear spatial separation of labelled cell groups was observed. Furthermore, double FB + DY-labelled neurones (n = 310) were seen in the medial accessory olive, the dorsal and ventral laminas of the principal olive, in the dorsomedial cell column and the β nucleus. It suggests that IO neurones may branch to supply the two functionally different PML regions and in this way participate in the mechanisms of forelimb-hindlimb coordination.

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