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Case Reports in Neurology 2024, Vol. 16, No. 1
Acknowledgement to Reviewers
Acknowledgement to Reviewers
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 310.
Single Case – General Neurology
Diabetic Striatopathy (Hyperglycemic Hemichorea-Hemiballismus Syndrome) in a Young Patient with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: A Case Report
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Basil Tumaini; Thom Pius; Mahmoud Abeid; Lazaro Lewale; Kigocha Okeng’o; Ewaldo Komba; Muhammad Bakari
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 304–309.
COVID-19-Related Spinal Subdural Hematoma Presented with Acute Compressive Myelopathy with a Review of the Literature
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 294–303.
Effective Management of Chronic Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction in MELAS Using Acotiamide: A Case Report
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 288–293.
Suspected Postpartum Depression Revealed to be CSF1R-Related Leukoencephalopathy: A Case Report
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Masahiko Mikuni; Kazuhiro Horiuchi; Ayako Ishikura; Soichiro Kimura; Sho Masutani; Shinya Watanabe; Akihiro Mikami; Shuhei Ishikawa; Hisashi Narita; Ichiro Kusumi; Hidenao Sasaki
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 281–287.
Case Report
Periodic Paralysis: A Case Series with a Literature Review
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Bassem Al Hariri; Muad Abdi Hassan; Muhammad Sharif; Obada Adel Alsakaji; Yussuf Abdi Hassan; Muayad Kasim Khalid
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 274–280.
Single Case – General Neurology
A Rare Case of Capnocytophaga canimorsus Meningitis in an Immunocompetent Patient: A Successful Outcome with a Short Course of Antibiotics
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 269–273.
Virus-Induced Voracity: Uncovering Hyperphagia Post-Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 262–268.
Head-Up Tilt Sleeping to Treat Orthostatic Intolerance in a Patient with Advanced Parkinson’s Disease: A Case Report
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Amber H. van der Stam; Sharon Shmuely; Nienke M. de Vries; Roland D. Thijs; Mirjam van Kesteren-Biegstraaten; Bastiaan R. Bloem
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 256–261.
Spinal Teratoma with Recurrent Epileptic Episodes in Adults: A Case Report
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 249–255.
Multiphasic Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis with a Temporal Gap of 26 Years: A Case Report with Novel Presentation
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Muhammad Hamza Asif; Armeen Butt; Khadija Riaz; Faizan Shahzad; Maimoonah Asif; Muhammad Farhan; Waqas Ahmed; Besher Shami
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 242–248.
Isolated Respiratory Failure as the Presenting Symptom of Muscle-Specific Kinase Myasthenia Gravis: A Case Report and Literature Review
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 233–241.
Epileptic Encephalopathy due to CACNA1A Variant: A Case Report and Diagnostic Challenges from Resource-Limited Settings
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 226–232.
NF2-Related Schwannomatosis Exhibiting the Complete Constellation of Multiple Inherited Schwannomas, Meningiomas, and Ependymomas (MISME Syndrome)
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 221–225.
Single Case – Headache
Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak and Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension in a Transgender Male: Is Intracranial Hypertension Hormonally Mediated?
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 213–220.
Single Case – General Neurology
Hyponatremia-Induced Epileptic Seizure Provoked by Levetiracetam and Pain Medication Intake in a Patient with Central Diabetes Insipidus
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 204–207.
Metamorphopsia with SMART Syndrome: A Case Report
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 208–212.
Status Epilepticus and Low-Grade Glioma in the Pregnant State: Case Report and Ethical Considerations
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Andrew L. Waack; Vito M. Lucarelli; Amulya Marellapudi; Alisa Gega; Andrew J. Zillgitt; Michael D. Staudt
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 196–203.
Clinical, Genetic, and Pathological Studies in Two Brothers with Stress-Induced Childhood-Onset Neurodegeneration with Variable Ataxia and Seizures: A Case Report
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 188–195.
A Rare Case of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Encephalitis Mimicking Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease in an Immunocompromised Patient: A Case Report
Topic Article Package:
Topic Article Package: Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Naveenkumar Nallathambi; Shriganesh P. Naidu; Yogesh S; Balamanikandan P; Adithyan C; Navvin S; Hariharan Seshadri; Mohanapriya N; Suriya Prakash
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 180–187.
Case Series - Headache
At-Home “Tips” for Headache Management: The Use of Self-Trendelenburg to Help Determine the Cause of Worsening Headaches – A Case Series
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 171–179.
Case Report
Endovascular Mechanical Thrombectomy for Ischemic Stroke Treatment in the Setting of Aortic Dissection: Case Report
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 159–170.
Single Case – General Neurology
Paradoxical Kinesia Induced by Nightmare: Unique Case Report and Insights regarding the Neural Mechanism Based on Human and Rat Studies
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Jorge Gelvane Tostes; Mateus Dal Fabbro; David J. Pedrosa; Norberto Cysne Coimbra; Rainer Schwarting; Liana Melo-Thomas
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 154–158.
Acute Leriche Syndrome Mimicking Spinal Cord Infarction: A Case Report
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 148–153.
Unilateral Anterior Spinal Artery Syndrome following Spinal Anesthesia for Cesarian Section: A Case Report
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 142–147.
Case Report: Treatment of Akinetic Mutism after Unilateral Anterior Cerebral Artery Infarction with Methylphenidate and Levodopa/Benserazide
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 136–141.
External Laryngeal Tremor in Adult-Onset Alexander Disease: A Case Report
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 129–135.
Severe Relapsing Autoimmune Encephalitis with GABAA Receptor, Titin, and AchR Antibodies in a Patient with Thymoma: A Case Report
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Mélissa Boisclair; Charlotte Robitaille; Adrian Budhram; Amy Kunchok; Hugo Chapdelaine; Laurent Létourneau-Guillon; Gabrielle Macaron; Catherine Larochelle
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 122–128.
High Doses of Caffeine-Induced Cerebral Infarction Leading to Partial Locked-In Syndrome in a Young Adult: A Novel Association?
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 115–121.
The Rehabilitation for Visual Cognitive Impairment due to Hippocampal Infarction: A Case Report
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 107–114.
Surgery for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Transient Tremors as Newly Reported Side Effect: First Psychiatric Neurosurgery in Egypt
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 99–106.
Survival from Rhino-Orbital-Cerebral Mucormycosis in SARS-CoV-2-Positive Diabetic Patients: Two Case Reports
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Claudia Lädrach; Martin Wartenberg; Stefan Zimmerli; Lukas Anschuetz; Stefan Bohlen; Julian Ebner; Claire M.F. de Gouyon Matignon de Pontouraude; Marco Caversaccio; Franca Wagner
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 89–98.
No Efficacy with Noninvasive Brain Stimulation for Painful Legs and Moving Toes: A Case Report
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 85–88.
Single Case – Headache
Single Case – General Neurology
Disseminated Aspergillosis with Mediastinal Invasion Causing Fatal Stroke in an Immunocompetent Young Man
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 63–70.
Untreated Classic Galactosemia: A Rare Cause of Adult-Onset Progressive Cerebellar Ataxia – A Case Report
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 55–62.
Highly Active Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis with Neurofibromatosis Type 1: Radiological Aspects and Therapeutic Challenges – Case Report
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 48–54.
A First Case of Acute Flaccid Myelitis Related to Enterovirus D68 in Belgium: Case Report
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Marine Rodesch; Claudine Sculier; Valentina Lolli; Gauthier Remiche; Iris Delpire; Christophe Fricx; Françoise Vermeulen; Florence Christiaens
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 41–47.
Single Case – Headache
Migraine Symptoms Induced by an Auricular Piercing in a 27-Year-Old Female: A Case Report
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 36–40.
Single Case – General Neurology
Posterior Circulation Mechanical Thrombectomy through Primitive Trigeminal Artery: A Case Report
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 28–35.
Tuberculous Meningitis Presenting with Bilateral Optic Neuritis: A Case Report and Review of Literature
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 18–27.
Electroencephalographic Abnormalities in a Patient Suffering from Long-Term Neuropsychological Complications following SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Damien Benis; Philippe Voruz; Sabina Catalano Chiuve; Valentina Garibotto; Frédéric Assal; Paul Krack; Julie Péron; Vanessa Fleury
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 6–17.
Early Manifestation of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo: A Case Report
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Case Rep Neurol (2024) 16 (1): 1–5.