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Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Case Rep Gastroenterol (2022) 16 (3): 663–674.
Published Online: 16 December 2022
... to in the content or advertisements. Case report Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography Lemmel syndrome Obstructive jaundice Pancreas Periampullary diverticulum Case Reports in Gastroenterology Case and Review Case Rep Gastroenterol 2022;16:663 674 DOI: 10.1159/000528031 Received: August 17...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Case Rep Gastroenterol (2020) 13 (3): 450–455.
Published Online: 30 October 2019
... to in the content or advertisements. Abdominal pain Pancreas Pseudoaneurysm Pancreatic pseudoaneurysm is an uncommon clinical entity, created due to the erosion of the pancreatic or peripancreatic artery into a pseudocyst. Pseudoaneurysm differs from a true aneurysm in terms of the wall...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Case Rep Gastroenterol (2019) 13 (2): 265–270.
Published Online: 14 June 2019
... mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas and IgG4-related disease: a coincidental association . Pancreatology . 2013   Jul-Aug ; 13 ( 4 ): 379 – 83 . 10.1016/j.pan.2013.04.197 23890136 1424-3903 4. Matsubayashi   H , Iwai   T , Matsui   T , Wada   T , Kawata   N , Ito   H , et al...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Case Rep Gastroenterol (2019) 12 (3): 671–678.
Published Online: 22 November 2018
.... The occurrence of GIST originating from the pancreas is rare. Sometimes, neuroendocrine tumors should be differentiated from GISTs because of their hyperenhancing nature in radiologic images. We report a case of GIST arising in the pancreas that was confirmed by surgical resection. [email protected] 9...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Case Rep Gastroenterol (2017) 11 (1): 219–224.
Published Online: 19 April 2017
...Seyed Hassan Abedi; Alireza Ahmadzadeh; Amir Houshang Mohammad Alizadeh Pancreatic squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a rare event. Here, we present a 56-year-old man with pancreatic SCC. Imaging methods demonstrated a hypodense mass at the head and trunk of the pancreas. Also, some lymphadenopathy...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Case Rep Gastroenterol (2017) 10 (3): 749–754.
Published Online: 13 December 2016
..., quality or safety. The publisher and the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Endoscopic ultrasonography Pancreas Spleen Case and Review Case Rep...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Case Rep Gastroenterol (2016) 10 (1): 179–185.
Published Online: 02 May 2016
.... Acinar cell carcinoma Pancreas Case Rep Gastroenterol 2016;10:174 180 10.1159/000445867 Published online: May 2, 2016 © 2016 The Author(s) Published by S. Karger AG, Basel 1662-0631/16/0101 0174$39.50/0 www.karger.com/crg This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Case Rep Gastroenterol (2014) 8 (1): 26–31.
Published Online: 15 January 2014
.... Contrast-enhanced computed tomography showed numerous strongly enhanced abnormal vessels and a hypovascular lesion in the area of the pancreatic tail. Angiographic study of the celiac artery confirmed racemose vascular networks in the tail of the pancreas. Endoscopic retrograde pancreatography revealed...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Case Rep Gastroenterol (2013) 7 (3): 442–448.
Published Online: 09 October 2013
... positive for vimentin, CD10 and epithelial membrane antigen and negative for CK7. After a repeated pancreatectomy, the patient had no symptoms of gastrointestinal bleeding and maintained good glucose tolerance without insulin therapy because the remnant pancreas functioned well. In conclusion...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Case Rep Gastroenterol (2012) 6 (3): 689–694.
Published Online: 07 November 2012
...Nobutada Fukino; Takatsugu Oida; Kenji Mimatsu; Kazutoshi Kida; Atsushi Kawasaki; Youichi Kuboi; Hisao Kano Ectopic pancreas is frequently found in the gastrointestinal tract. Lesions comprise well-developed and normally organized pancreatic tissue outside the pancreas, without anatomic or vascular...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Case Rep Gastroenterol (2012) 6 (3): 604–611.
Published Online: 24 September 2012
...Hiromitsu Domen; Masanori Ohara; Noriko Kimura; Mizuna Takahashi; Takumi Yamabuki; Kazuteru Komuro; Nozomu Iwashiro; Masanori Ishizaka Cystic lesions of the pancreas can be divided into true cysts, pseudocysts, and cystic neoplasms. Lymphoepithelial cysts (LECs) are a type of true cyst that can...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Case Rep Gastroenterol (2011) 5 (2): 288–294.
Published Online: 24 May 2011
... in the head and neck region. The abdominal organs are uncommon sites of origin. Several cases of lymphangioma in abdominal organs were reported, however, the pancreas is one of the rarest origins. Generally, intra-abdominal lymphangioma is asymptomatic and found incidentally, but in some cases, the patient...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Case Rep Gastroenterol (2010) 4 (3): 369–373.
Published Online: 18 September 2010
...Tadashi Terada Adenosquamous carcinoma (ASC) and pure squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the pancreas are very rare diseases. The author herein reports two cases of ASC and SCC of the pancreas. The first case is ASC. An 80-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital because of abdominal pain...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Case Rep Gastroenterol (2009) 3 (3): 389–394.
Published Online: 21 November 2009
...Muriel Genevay; Jean Marc Dumonceau; Thierry Berney; Sylvain Terraz; Christian Felley; Philippe Morel; Jean Louis Frossard This paper aims at emphasizing the difficulty in assessing preoperatively the diagnosis of solid masses of the pancreas whatever the initial clinical presentation may be. We...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Case Rep Gastroenterol (2009) 3 (3): 400–403.
Published Online: 21 November 2009
..., quality or safety. The publisher and the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Gastrointestinal hemorrhage Pancreas Pseudocyst Case Rep Gastroenterol...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Case Rep Gastroenterol (2008) 2 (3): 486–493.
Published Online: 05 December 2008
...C. Triantopoulou; Z. Touloumis; D. Apessou; I. Scotiniotis; D. Rodogianni; J. Papailiou; C. Dervenis Solid pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas is a rare pancreatic tumor that predominantly occurs in young non-Caucasian women. Although most tumors show benign behavior, malignant degeneration may...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Case Rep Gastroenterol (2008) 2 (1): 6–10.
Published Online: 10 January 2008
... pancreatitis Pancreas Systemic lupus erythematosus Case Rep Gastroenterol 2008;2:6 10 DOI: 10.1159/000112861 Published online: January 10, 2008 © 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel ISSN 1662 0631 www.karger.com/crg 6 Chronic Pancreatitis and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: An Uncommon Association Silvia C. Gutierreza...