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Keywords: Ileus
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Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Case Rep Gastroenterol (2019) 12 (3): 566–569.
Published Online: 18 September 2018
...–20%) and morbidity rate. Presentation can be either typical, with muscle rigidity and hyperpyrexia, or atypical, the latter posing diagnostic and early management challenges in clinical practice. Our patient presented with delayed fever and ileus, making early diagnosis difficult. We propose that NMS...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Case Rep Gastroenterol (2012) 6 (3): 754–759.
Published Online: 19 December 2012
... with the proximal jejunum. 18 F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography showed abnormal uptake at the same location as the cavitary lesion revealed by CT. The patient underwent laparotomy for the ileus and resection of the cavitary lesion. At laparotomy, we found a retained surgical sponge in the ileum 60...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Case Rep Gastroenterol (2008) 2 (1): 144–148.
Published Online: 24 April 2008
...Eduardo E. Montalvo-Jave; Eduardo Alegre-Tamez; César Athie-Gutiérrez Gallstone ileus is a rare cause of small bowel obstruction which usually presents in elderly female patients and which has been associated with high morbidity and mortality rates. We present the case of a 63-year-old man who...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Case Rep Gastroenterol (2008) 2 (1): 128–133.
Published Online: 10 April 2008
... to the hepatic flexure of the colon from the ileocecum, causing an obstruction of the ileocecal orifice. Since histology of a biopsy specimen taken from the giant polyps showed no dysplasia, he was diagnosed with ileus due to the localized giant inflammatory polyposis. A laparoscopically assisted ileocecal...