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Keywords: Tannins
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Journal Articles
Caries Res (1984) 18 (3): 216–225.
Published Online: 18 November 2009
... synthesis. Chemical and spectral analysis of the active constituent from S. warnecki showed this material to have the characteristics of a high molecular weight polyphenolic tannin. 1% aqueous solution of tannic acid was also shown to promote similar in vitro adherence inhibition as the tannin-like...
Journal Articles
Caries Res (1991) 25 (6): 438–443.
Published Online: 18 November 2009
... Streptococcus mutans Tannins Caries Res 1991;25:438-443 ©1991 S. Karger AG. Basel 0008-6568/91/0256-0438 S 2.75/0 Anticaries Effects of Polyphenolic Compounds from Japanese Green Tea S. Otakea, M. Makimura T. Kurokia, Y. Nishiharaa, M. Hirasawab Departments of a Clinical Pathology and b Microbiology, Nihon...
Journal Articles
Caries Res (1998) 32 (3): 233–238.
Published Online: 01 April 1998
...J. Zhang; S. Kashket Tea decoctions prepared from a number of black and green teas inhibited amylase in human saliva. Black teas gave higher levels of inhibition than green teas, and removal of tea tannins with gelatin led to the loss of inhibitory activity from all decoctions. Streptococcal...