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Journal Articles
Caries Res (1988) 22 (4): 204–209.
Published Online: 18 November 2009
...F. Brudevold; D. Goulet; F. Attarzadeh; A. Tehrani Six subjects wore intraoral devices carrying bovine enamel blocks covered with a layer of Streptococcus mutans . They swished solutions of 5% glucose or maltose, or sols or gels of 3, 5, 10, 15, or 20% gelatinized wheat starch in the mouth for 3...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Caries Res (1987) 21 (6): 530–537.
Published Online: 18 November 2009
...R.A. Schemmel; K.A. Ross; J.J. Kabara Four groups of 12 Osborne-Mendel rats each were fed either sucrose or maltose in two different types of diets. Type 1 diets were nutritionally defined semipurifïed, dry powdered diets whereas type 2 diets included dried pulverized cake crumbs made from sucrose...
Journal Articles
Caries Res (1977) 11 (3): 153–159.
Published Online: 17 November 2009
...E. Newbrun; F. Finzen; M. Sharma Maltose and low-molecular weight dextran inhibited the adherence of Streptococcus mutans to the smooth glass surface of scintillation vials. Inhibition of adherence paralleled inhibition of insoluble glucan synthesis, confirming a role of these polymers...
Journal Articles
Caries Res (1982) 16 (6): 443–452.
Published Online: 17 November 2009
...Annette Skinner; P. Connolly; M.N. Naylor The incidence of fissure caries was determined in Sprague-Dawley and Osborne-Mendel rats housed in a frequency-controlled feeding machine and fed diets containing 67% sucrose, maltose or corn starch. The effect on caries of reducing the sugar content...
Journal Articles
Caries Res (1998) 32 (3): 233–238.
Published Online: 01 April 1998
... amylase was similarly inhibited by tea decoctions. Fluoride was without effect on amylase. Since salivary amylase hydrolyzes food starch to low molecular weight fermentable carbohydrates, experiments were carried out to determine whether tea decoctions would interfere with the release of maltose in food...