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Keywords: Aspartame
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Journal Articles
Caries Res (1997) 31 (1): 78–83.
Published Online: 24 November 2009
...S. Das; A.K. Das; R.A. Murphy; S. Warty This study examined the effects of aspartame (APM) on caries and the Streptococcus sobrinus population. Six groups of rats (20 in each group) colonized with S. sobrinus were fed varying amounts of sucrose (SU) and APM in their diets as follows: 1 – 0.15% APM...
Journal Articles
Caries Res (1988) 22 (4): 237–241.
Published Online: 18 November 2009
...R.K. Lout; L.B. Messer; A. Soberay; K. Kajander; J. Rudney The cariogenicity of frequent rinsings with aspartame and sorbitol was studied in the rat caries model with animals randomly assigned to four oral rinse groups (16 rats/group): 0.05% aspartame, 20% sorbitol, deionized distilled water...
Journal Articles
Caries Res (1987) 21 (2): 141–148.
Published Online: 18 November 2009
...G. Siebert; S.C. Ziesenitz; J. Lotter The effects of acesulfame K, aspartame, cyclamate, and saccharin on cariogenesis caused by a diet containing 30% sucrose were studied in orally superinfected Cara rats. The addition of any individual sweetener had no appreciable effect on fissure caries...