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Keywords: Polymorphism
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Journal Articles
Journal: Cardiology
Cardiology (2024) 149 (2): 176–182.
Published Online: 08 November 2023
... underlying diseases. Genetic polymorphism of adiponectin affects serum adiponectin concentration. However, the association of serum adiponectin concentration and its genetic polymorphism with IAF has not been studied. This study investigated the relationship between serum levels of adiponectin, adiponectin...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal: Cardiology
Cardiology (2015) 130 (3): 137–142.
Published Online: 24 January 2015
... polymorphisms rs45489294 in miRNA 208b, rs13136737 in miRNA 367 and rs9989532 in miRNA 1-2. In the patient group, the most frequent polymorphism was in miRNA 208b (10 times) followed by miRNA 367 (7 times). Both polymorphisms were found to occur with similar frequencies in the group of healthy controls...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal: Cardiology
Cardiology (2009) 112 (4): 263–269.
Published Online: 30 August 2008
... of smooth muscle cells due to rapamycin and paclitaxel. We hypothesized that genetic variants of P27 and P53 influence the development of restenosis and the clinical outcome of patients receiving DES. Methods: Polymorphisms in the genes encoding for P27 and P53 were tested for their association...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal: Cardiology
Cardiology (2008) 110 (4): 260–265.
Published Online: 12 December 2007
...Yaling Han; Suya Xi; Xiaolin Zhang; Chenghui Yan; Yong Yang; Jian Kang Background: Recently, the C1019T polymorphism in the human gene encoding connexin 37 (CX37, encoded by GJA4 ) has been reported to be associated with coronary artery disease (CAD)/myocardial infarction in different racial groups...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal: Cardiology
Cardiology (2006) 105 (2): 113–118.
Published Online: 10 February 2006
...Mehrdad Hajilooi; Nader Tajik; Arashmidos Sanati; Hossein Eftekhari; Ahmad Massoud Background and Aims: The aim of this study was to assess the association between the L-selectin Phe206Leu polymorphism and coronary artery disease. Methods: A total of 322 patients (221 men and 101 women...
Journal Articles